I am working on imx6qp sabre auto board, (MCIMXABASEV1,MCIMX6QPAICPU3 cards).
building Linux ivi-image with yocto platform. it was working fine with Jethro realease.
but I wanted to move the Weston to latest version i.e Weston_1.11.0 build successful(except for Weston_1.13.0) but Weston was launching on target . so decided to move the yocto version to morty.
now yocto morty (repo init -u git://git.freescale.com/imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-morty)
tried building image using : bitbake fsl-qt5-image -k.
here Linux-imx_4.9.11 as well as Linux-imx_4.1.15 not working ("fetcher failure errors")
so used Linux-imx_4.1.15.bb from jethro yocto build file .
kernel boot stops after "starting kernel " print.
is that correct?? let me know what to do? but still kernel not booting so copied kernel image from jethro build to sd-card and tried to check GUI here Weston not launching. please help here
this version has Weston_1.11.0. here also yocto build successful but when I try to launch the Weston I am getting segmentation fault. :smileysad: issue is same as with the yocto jethro version.
Please help me resolving this issue.
Note : please check the attachments.
Lavakumar S
Could you show the steps? So I can try to reproduce it on my side.
hi jimmychan,
I have attached the documents please check.
I followed the "Freescale_Yocto_Project_User's_Guide.pdf" to get the yocto folder.
also changed
>> "repo init -u git://git.freescale.com/imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-4.1.15-1.0.0_ga" with
"repo init -u git://git.freescale.com/imx/fsl-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-morty"
since I wanted morty image .
please let me know if any other procedure for base lining to latest yocto.
and built the image with "bitbake fsl-image-qt5 -k"
Lavakumar S
There is L4.9.11 BSP available. i.MX 6 / i.MX 7 Series Software and Development Tool|NXP
There is command for building the BSP in Yocto User's Guide. (Linux 4.9.11_1.0.0 BSP & Multimedia Codecs Documentation)
You can try the command like this:
$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx6qpsabreauto source fsl-setup-release.sh -b build-wayland
$ bitbake fsl-image-validation-qt5-imx
with that image I am unable to build the Linux-imx_4.9.11 .(even for Linux-imx_4.1.15)
every time I try to build, build fails with "fetcher failure error" that too after fetching half of the source.
Lavakumar S