I am using a pf1550 PMIC alongside a iMX6 processor, and I use Yocto to build iMX6 processor software.
I appended linux-fslc recipe in my layer to switch from 4.9.x+fslc branch to 4.9-1.0.x-imx branch, which contains pf1550 regulator driver. My pf1550 regulator driver loads flawlessly with wanted running-state voltages applied to all outputs.
The product is powered from an external source, with a internal lithium fallback battery.
I want the product to join pf1550 SHIP state in few cases (factory is the easier case), waiting to be main powered to preserve internal lithium battery.
I read pf1550 datasheet (transition J in state machine chapter) and linux driver, but I fail to see how this driver can put pf1550 in this SHIP state. I guess there should be a way to fill registers appropriately and shut-down the processor.
Also, maybe linked but I am not sure: when I power-off my main processor, the board consumes more power than when processor is running. Not sure REGS_DISABLE state is reached when main processor is off.
The SHIP mode is entered if the GOTO_SHIP bit is set in the REGS_DISABLE state. The only way to exit from this mode is by a charger attach event. The state machine exits to the REGS_DISABLE state when this happens. A battery re-attach can also be used to exit SHIP mode.
GOTO_SHIP = 1. This is used to initiate the device to go into the SHIP mode. When GOTO_SHIP bit is set to 1, the state machine proceeds from one of the “System On” states to the REGS_DISABLE mode to the SHIP mode.
Transition from REGS_DISABLE to SHIP mode, GOTO_SHIP = 1 && VBUS_INVALID = 1
The transition to SHIP mode is not implemented in the linux driver, I’m afraid that if you need to use this mode, you need to implement it in your driver.