Hello dilip,
I noticed that using the Qt::ApplicationAttribute::AA_UseOpenGLES
flag resolved completely the flickering, however it caused a strange side effect in my case: the height of all components contained in my window became inconsistent while the main form height changed, causing a kind of wobbling during the animation, even with the correct anchoring and min and max height constraints defined. On my main interface I removed the anchoring and used layouts instead. This resolved the strange wobbling during the height change, and almost all the flicker issues.
So replacing anchors by layouts was the solution in my case, even if it works not perfectly. But at least the result is acceptable.
We added Qt::ApplicationAttribute::AA_UseOpenGLES flag in Qt app. But flicker still occur during mouse pointer movement. QT app is launched with "-platform eglfs" as argument. As per QT website, EGLFS is a platform plugin for running Qt5 applications on top of EGL and OpenGL ES 2.0, without an actual windowing system like X11 or Wayland. Does UseOpenGLES flag affect rendering when eglsfs plugin is used?
Best Regards,