I'm trying to build android 8 for MCIMX6QP-SDB.
I followed the android user guide(IMX_O8.0.0_1.0.0_ANDROID_DOCS) and build was completed successfully.
When i try to use MFG tool to flash the image there is an error saying that vbmeta.img is missing.
There was no mention of it in the user guide or quick start guide.
How do i build vbmeta.img file ?.
Also how come it's not there in the prebuild images also??
The issue was solved.The problem was with MFGtools itself..
I just commented the vbmeta code(in the ucl.xml file) and flashed and android booted without any issues.
Also there was no issue when using the linux shell script that came with the tools.
Please update the mfg tools or the Documents given.
Did you copy all the images into the mfgtool path so it can find them?
The path is the following one:
\mfgtools\Profiles\Linux\OS Firmware\files\android\evk
Best regards,