各位好,有个IMX6D CSI配置及驱动的问题请教。
我现在采用imx6D + FPGA + CMOS做图像处理。CMOS是AR0237,12位并行输出,接FPGA,先进行视频处理,CMOS由FPGA内部的软核进行配置,控制。FPGA处理后接到IMX6D的CSI接口,16位并行YUV4:2:2信号。
CSI接口的管脚复用我已经定义好了(HS + VS + DE + D[15..0]),不清楚与FPGA相关的节点怎么定义?因为CMOS及FPGA不需要IMX6D配置与控制,相关接口驱动如何开发?怎么与Video Capture关联起来?
I have modified a driver from drivers/media/platform/mxc/capture/ov5640.c. I changed the driver type from "i2c_driver" to "platform_driver" and deleted all other code about access to registers in ov5640. Then registered the device as "v4l2_int_device".
In the system, there are two CSI connections from FPGA to CSI. When disabled one or two CSI nodes in DTS, kernel boot successfully, but report "ERROR: V4l2 capture: Slave not found! " from console. When both two nodes enabled in DTS, kernel booting failed, system reported "camera fpga_csi is found" from console, the hanged, no responce to console input.
log file from console, dts file and driver code are attached.
Pls help me to fix the problem.