I designed a product using iMX287 as MCU.Most of the time the product work normal,sometimes the product does not work with boot fail . The probability is one in dozens. In this abnormal condition ,the device will continuously ‘died’ until turn off the 5V power and turn on it. I found the VDDIO drop down to 3.1V, VDDD drop down to 1.05V and VDDA drop down to 1.04V.I don't know why this happened, and I also don't know in which condition this will happen. How can I solve this problem? Is there some problem with my schematic? I use 5V only source .
Best regards.I
Hi 许辉勇 许
may be useful to look on
Brown out issues on ConnectCard (Wi)i.mx28 modules | Digi International
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It.s not same with that.When the iMX287 boot failed,the device will continuously ‘died’ until turn off the 5V power and turn on it.At the same time,the VDDIO drop down to 3.1V, VDDD drop down to 1.05V and VDDA drop down to 1.04V.