The Kernel version supported for IMX28 is Linux 2.6.35. How can i use a main line kernel version in IMX28 EVK i need kernel version 3.0 or greater. How to accomplish this using Yocto or can i accomplish this using Ltib itself?
In Yocto you can select the 2.6.35 kernel or 3.14. Please write to meta-fsl-arm and the folks there can help you.
@Fabio Estevam @Alejandro Lozano Lozano @jamesbone By default in yocto am getting 2.6.35. Where should i change in order to change the kernel to 3.0 or greater
Hi have tried what Fabio mentioned, but I could get the 2.6.35 of mainline kernel.
As far as I understood kernel 3.x was not provided for imx28.
Best Regards,
Mainline kernel does support mx28.
Thanks Fabio,
But kernel 3.10 is available for imx28?
Best Regards,
There is mx28 support in 3.10, but just use the latest and greatest instead.
@OtavioSalvador @Fabio Estevam
What are the step to build 3.14 or 3.10 kernel for imx28? Can you explain How to accomplish this in yocto?
Take a look at:
I'd advice to use the 3.14 kernel with MX28.
Hi Otavio,
To change the kernel version I have to use:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-fslc"
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-fslc = "3.14%"
Will it work with the machine imx28evk from the meta-fsl-arm layer?
Or I have to to use the custom machine m28evk from meta-fsl-arm-extra?
Or it doesn't matter because both machines have SOC_FAMILY = "mxs:mx28" and I can use any machine with mx28?
What is the best kernel choice in your opinion?
2.6.35, 3.14 or maybe latest 3.18?
Best Regards
The preferred version settings shouldn't be necessary.
As you'll end doing more modifications, I would make a custom machine file in your company's layer so you can track it easily. m28evk is closer to what you need as it uses DENX's kernel which does not include FSL-specific headers as FSLC kernel.
I checked the m28evk.conf file and it has the kernel linux-fslc. The m53evk machine has the kernel linux-denx.
I don't know the m28evk board but our board is really similar to imx28evk (not to many changes in the kernel) and I already knew all differences.
I will try build two versions m28evk and imx28evk with the linux-fslc and compare results.
I only have to ensure myself when we build the kernel linux-fslc should we use the command bitbake -c menuconfig linux-fslc instead of linux-imx?
You need to have the provider and version right. Check m28evk.conf file and see the overrides it has due mainline kernel.
Try passing PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-fslc" in your board conf file.
If you still have issues, please enter a post into meta-fsl-arm mailing list, as it is a more appropriate place to discuss FSL Yocto related topics.
alejandrolozano, can you please check this out?