We use SN65DSI83-Q1 to transform MIPI DSI signal to LVDS.
SN65DSI83-Q1’s initization need "After power is applied and stable, all DSI input lanes including DSI CLK(DA × P/N) must be driven to LP11 state."
How can I set dsi mipi lanes to LP11 status On i.mx serie(imx8 imx6)
Hello I'm facing the same issue and could not find an appropiate answer... Does someone have a solution?
As an example for the i.MX6 series processors, please refer to the Chapter 41 "MIPI DSI Host Controller (MIPI_DSI)", especially, to the Sections 41.6.8 "Video Mode Configuration (MIPI_DSI_VID_MODE_CFG)" and below of the i.MX6Dual/Quad Reference Manual document, available on the processor's Documentation web page:
Have a great day,
Artur Petukhov schrieb:
As an example for the i.MX6 series processors, please refer to the Chapter 41 "MIPI DSI Host Controller
How would that work on the i.MX8M?
I am facing a similar question for the TC358767 DSI to DisplayPort bridge.
Did you figure out something ?
Are there any updated?