I want to run Qt Application on Yocto with wayland backend.
I can run and see the weston(Wayland-compositor) GUI using "weston --tty=1 --backend=fbdev-backend.so --device=/dev/fb0 --no-config".
But when I run the Qt Application, it cannot display GUI.
So what I am missing to run Qt Application on weston(Waland-compositor)?
Hello Vardhman Modi,
Are you still having these troubles? I've not found much information regarding Qt and Wayland but I found a workaround on a mailing list from the Yocto project that perhaps may help, kudos to Eien for this workaround:
Comment in QWaylandGLContext::updateGLFormat() the two following functions calls.
Qt applications run now, with a small memory leak.”
I hope it helps!