I am trying to run/debug freertos_hello example code that is provided by NXP (SDK_2_11_1_MIMX8ML8xxxLZ) and I'm running into this problem at startup.
For debugging I'm using SEGEGR J-Link debugger (device MIMX8ML8_M7).
MCUXpresso version is v11.5.1 [Build 7266] [2022-04-13].
Does anyone have any idea why this happens?
Best regards,
MCUXpresso IDE doesn't support imx8mp, only IAR and GCC
Are you 100% sure, my FreeRTOS application is running on Cortex-M7?
This was not the case with i.MX8M-Mini. Am I right?
Best regards,
I suggest that you can refer to the release note in the SDK document folder, current MCUXpresso IDE couldn't support imx8mm, but you can use IAR or GCC