I'd like to try out a demo of MQX (or any RTOS) running on an i.MX6 part (The Quad, or DualLite) on the Cortex A9. I took a look at the SoloX example (Getting Linux on the A9 and MQX on the M4) and I got that up and running, now I'd like to find something similar for getting a RTOS going on the A9.
Are there any such specific examples for i.MX6 parts of getting a RTOS up and running on the Cortex A9?
Hi Michael
some examples can be found on
Best regards
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Hi igor,
Thanks for the links, but I have seen both of those already. The issues are that (as the other comments state) the freescale.com/doc link is just a picture of the concept of AMP, the concept is pretty easy to understand it's the implementation details which are causing issues, and there is no help with details on that link as far as I can tell. The second link is good, but the steps involve cloning private repos which require a password to access, so the tutorial is ended pretty early on.
Lack of a concrete example is part of the reason that I stopped looking for AMP and was just looking if Freescale had any notes or references to putting it's RTOS, MQX, it it's own part i.MX6Q. Seems like a MQX port to a cortex a9 would have been done, but I couldn't find any documentation on that.
Does that exist?
Hi Mike
unfortunately MQX is not supported on i.MX6Q, only on i.MX6SX.
Best regards