I'm trying integrate Qt4 with Yocto dizzy 1.7.1.
When execute this command:
bitbake meta-toolchain-qt
Return this error:
ERROR: Task do_configure in /home/sopra/poky/meta/recipes-qt/qt4/qt4-x11-free_4.8.6.bb depends upon non-existent task do_shared_workdir in /home/sopra/meta-fsl-arm/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-imx_2.6.35.3.bb
My configuration is:
Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION = "1.24.0"
BUILD_SYS = "i686-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING = "Ubuntu-12.04"
TARGET_SYS = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE = "imx51evk"
DISTRO = "poky"
TUNE_FEATURES = "arm armv7a vfp neon"
TARGET_FPU = "vfp-neon"
meta-yocto = "dizzy:ec75238f6cc2d2d8d40e0268f6d2acc070cbe9a4"
meta-fsl-arm = "master:0b3457e7160a0069bb933558034a749b042bba88"
This is for a imx51evk machine with linux
Any idea what happens?
Have you posted this question in meta-freescale?
Hi Diane, I know you are the Yocto expert for IMX6. I have another problem with this same command. Can you please check my post:
I don't have access to the link you shared
Sorry for that. I corrected the link:
The problem is in qt4-imx-support.inc file in meta-fsl-arm/recipies-qt/qt:
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/qt4:"
python __anonymous () {
families = ['mx5', 'mx6']
cur_families = (d.getVar('SOC_FAMILY', True) or '').split(':')
if any(map(lambda x: x in cur_families,
d.appendVarFlag('do_configure', 'depends', ' virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir')
SRC_URI_append_mx5 += "file://0001-Add-support-for-i.MX-codecs-to-phonon.patch"
SRC_URI_append_mx6 += " \
file://0001-Add-support-for-i.MX-codecs-to-phonon.patch \
file://0002-i.MX-video-renderer-Allow-v4l-device-from-environmen.patch \
file://0003-i.MX6-force-egl-visual-ID-33.patch \
DEPENDS_append_mx5 = " virtual/kernel virtual/libgles2"
QT_GLFLAGS_mx5 = "-opengl es2 -openvg"
QT_CONFIG_FLAGS_append_mx5 = " -I${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/include/"
DEPENDS_append_mx6 = " virtual/kernel virtual/libgles2"
QT_GLFLAGS_mx6 = "-opengl es2 -openvg"
QT_CONFIG_FLAGS_append_mx6 = " -I${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/include/uapi \
-I${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/include/ \
I comment this lines ¿is correct?.
The problem is the missing task in the kernel source code.
When you comment that line, you are only avoiding a dependence. Maybe it works, maybe not (determinism, schedule, this kind of probability)
The right way to fix it is to add the do_shared_workdir in kernel recipe
More than that I would need to debug the issue.