Dear NXP,
I use the bsp39 like below.
repo init -u -b release/bsp30.0
and I port the autosar platform to bsp39.
I add yocto-layer for autosar to LAYER_LIST in
and start compile like below
> sudo -S -l ./sources/meta-alb/scripts/
> source -m s32g274ardb2
> bitbake fsl-image-base
And Compile error is occured about IMAGE_FEATURES like below.
Would you please help let me know how to resolve this error?
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/html5lib/_trie/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.10 it will stop working
from collections import Mapping
Loading cache: 100% |#######################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 4965 entries from dependency cache.
ERROR: /home/bjkim/workspace/net_ap/modify_bsp39/nxp_bsp39_modify/sources/yocto-layers/meta-ara/recipes-core/images/ IMAGE_FEATURES: No type specified. Valid types: list, boolean, choice, float, integer, is_x86, path, qemu_use_kvm, regex
ERROR: Unable to parse /home/bjkim/workspace/net_ap/modify_bsp39/nxp_bsp39_modify/sources/yocto-layers/meta-ara/recipes-core/images/ Exited with "1"############# | ETA: 0:00:00
ERROR: Parsing halted due to errors, see error messages above
Summary: There were 3 ERROR messages, returning a non-zero exit code.
We understand that you are using BSP39.0 but the git command you used is for BSP30.0, was this a typo?
Also, on regards of the compilation errors, since you are porting AUTOSAR platform to BSP39.0, this seems to be an integration problem. The only information available from our side is the following:
Download the layer “yocto-layers” along with “ara-api” and “sample-applications”
folders from the Adaptive Autosar OS repository.
curl > ~/bin/repo
mkdir ~/ara-project
cd ~/ara-project
repo init -u
(for this to work you must have a ssh key for
repo sync
Note: write permission in “ara-api” and “sample-applications” are needed (in the
process of building an image the sources from “ara-api” and “sample-applications”
folders need to be compiled and some files will be generated in those folders)
Aside from this, we don't see any documentation on this specific regard. We do apologize.
Since this seems related to AUTOSAR itself, we can recommend contacting their support team to understand the integration required with Linux.
Please, let us know.