I need to change the default display setting of sleep to "Never" before the image is being build. Im trying this on latest yocto desktop image to be run on imx8mplus-evk.
Please give me guidance to how to achieve this.
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I think you can base here, download the layer that has that config and modify it, it shouldn't be re-downloaded and keep your configuration, which you should look for.
i couldnt find the layer that has that config.
Since i'm trying to build desktop image . Usually in ubuntu these configurations can be controlled by editing /etc/systemd/logind.conf .Can i do the same edits in yocto sdk , so that it will get reflected in bitbaked image?
Desktop calls BSP code plus:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include name="imx-6.1.55-2.2.0.xml"/>
<project name="meta-nxp-desktop" remote="nxp-imx" path="sources/meta-nxp-desktop" revision="refs/tags/rel_lf_6.1.55_2.2.0_ldp" upstream="lf-6.1.55-2.2.0-mickledore" >
<linkfile src="tools/imx-setup-desktop.sh" dest="imx-setup-desktop.sh"/>
<linkfile src="README.md" dest="README-DESKTOP"/>
Here is the layer repo.
There are not overrides in our Proof of Concept, but you could rework this with a custom layer on top of this looking to override the specific file (logind.conf), I found this post that gathers different approaches to overriding a RFS file.