Platform: IMX6DL
OS: Android 4.4
Kernel branch: 3.0.35
We ran Camera preview call back and 1080p video playback at the same time for about 6 hours.
Then error log as following:
<3>[111394.520272] ERROR: v4l2 capture: mxc_v4l_dqueue() interrupt received
<4>[111394.520832] VPU interrupt received.
<4>[111395.215555] imx-ipuv3 imx-ipuv3.0: IPU Warning - IPU_INT_STAT_10 = 0x00000001
<6>[111401.676261] binder: 2744:2744 transaction failed 29189, size 64-0
What's the reason? Is it related to memory?
Does the video stop after 6 hours?, or you are just receiveing the IPU warning after each N amount of frames?