I had found a while back the Freescale document AN4274: High-End 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES 2.0
Which I thought would lead me to rendering in "framebuffer" mode (no X11 server).
I have a modified test app with the magic line from the document,
eglsurface = eglCreateWindowSurface(egldisplay, eglconfig, open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR), NULL);
but fail earlier than that, in eglInitialize with the error GL_NOT_INITIALIZED
I am using the setup that comes with the imx53, which seems to work if I have the X server running. Dpkg shows:
ii amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51 11.09.01 GPU driver and app for x11 on mx51
which seems to match the debian package in L2.6.35_11.09.01_ER_images_MX5X.
Any suggestions on what I am missing ?
Thanks Krishna, Daiane,
I was looking in all the wrong places it would seem. Now have found that I should have been looking in the vm ware BSP package. So now I just need to get the right stuff installed and try it out.
Actually, /opt/freescale/... is the place where the ltib installation script gets the packages installed.
If you do not have freescale @ that place, it should be somewhere else. Its not an issue.
./ltib -c should give you a "menuconfig", showing amd-gpu-mx51 package.
Select that for rendering without X11 libraries.
I don't have an /opt/freescale/pkgs (actually /opt is empty)
Also - L2.6.35_11.09.01_ER_images_MX5X only has amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51-11.05.01.tar.gz
But I just noticed and downloaded L2.6.35_MX53_201112_Patches.tar.gz (hidden under patches) which does contain:
so - off to explore these new packages.
On my /opt/freescale/pkgs I can see:
You don´t need to donwload it again form any website. It should be on your LTIB instalation folder
Thanks for the reply. If there is another package, it was not obvious on the imx download page. On the other platform I am working with, the same libs work for both X11 and non-x11 use.
I don´t know if I could understand.
But, amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51 can only be used for X11 enviroemnt. If you don´t want X11 you need to use another amd-gpu binary. (and I think you can find it the same place you´d got amd-gpu-x11-bin-mx51