Oh my ...
The problem was: Using windows in a VMWare to execute MFGTool :smileysad:
Moving to a native Windows all went well :smileysad:
When we will have a MFGTool for Linux? That would save time from everyone.
Well... I was the problem :smileysad:
thanks all.
Oh my ...
The problem was: Using windows in a VMWare to execute MFGTool :smileysad:
Moving to a native Windows all went well :smileysad:
When we will have a MFGTool for Linux? That would save time from everyone.
Well... I was the problem :smileysad:
thanks all.
Yes, have you seen my 2 other comments?
I'm using that manual and have tried all the dip switch combinations for eMMC.
The actual questions is, have you got Android prebuilt working on your SabreSd?
Yes, it does work. I tried it last week.
For JB4.2.2_1.1.0 on eMMC, please make sure you do the following:
1) Modifiy cfg.ini so that it reads:
chip = MX6Q Linux Update
board = SabreSD
name = Android-SabreSD-eMMC
2) Add the following files to Profiles\MX6Q Linux Update\OS Firmware\files\android\
MT_JB422_110_eMMC\Profiles\MX6Q Linux Update\OS Firmware\files\android\
boot.img 0401522ad9e88884ed763c09ebe8aa62
recovery.img 610e5314cf031257f6d0b753485492e2
system.img f59a1aa27e4f06fe383677b1a88b9b68
u-boot-6q.bin c6ba5fc0ff25e98c552a51f62e8aa4e6
Please make sure your md5sum values match mine.
Please also note that we have JellyBean 4.3_1.1.0 on our website (and Kit Kat 4.4.2_1.0.0 is available through our sales force).
RodBorras What version of MFGTool are you using? I got Mfgtool rel 13.01.01 ER MX6q UPDATER
Rafael, I am using the version that comes with the BSP:
f67f77c814fa283283f0d3e02690ea87 Mfgtools-Rel-13.01.00_ER_MX6Q_UPDATER.tar.gz
Android creates a very complex set of partitions, and I have seen the MFGTool struggle with that on some (5%) SD cards.
So if I were in your shoes, this is what I would try:
Hi Rod,
odd, i have checked my files and they are ok.
In the user guide it says I should set the switches to 00001100 so I have tried with your suggestion (00000000) however it still doesn't show up anything.
There is one issue though, during MFGTool process, just before partitioning, windows identifies the board as a E: driver and tries to mount it. That moment the mfgtool fails. I close it and restart it and then the process completes... is it related to the problem?
Here is the log from the execution:
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: Device::hubIndex::getmsc, return the port index is: 2
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: DeviceManager::OnMsgDeviceEvent() - VOLUME_ARRIVAL_EVT-Disk(E), Hub:2-Port:2
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: DeviceManager::OnMsgDeviceEvent() - VOLUME_ARRIVAL_EVT, Notify
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CmdOpreation[0]--OnDeviceChangeNotify, Volume Arrive/Remove or Device Arrive/Remove
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CmdOpreation[0]--OnDeviceChangeNotify, m_p_usb_port is not NULL, so only refresh
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CmdOpreation[0]--OnDeviceChangeNotify, Volume/Device Arrive
ModuleID[2] LevelID[1]: CmdOpreation[0]--set m_hDeviceArriveEvent.
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CmdOpreation[0]--WaitforEvents device arrive1
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CmdOperation[0] device chagned and reset to state 1
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: ExecuteCommand--Push[WndIndex:0], Body is $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=1536 count=16
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: ExecuteCommand--Push[WndIndex:0], Body is send
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: ExecuteCommand--Push[WndIndex:0], Body is $ dd if=$FILE of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=2 skip=2
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: ExecuteCommand--Push[WndIndex:0], Body is $ echo 8 > /sys/devices/platform/sdhci-esdhc-imx.3/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:0001/boot_config
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: ExecuteCommand--Push[WndIndex:0], Body is send
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: ExecuteCommand--Push[WndIndex:0], Body is $ tar xf $FILE
ModuleID[2] LevelID[1]: PortMgrDlg(0)--MSCDevice--Command Push(no file) excute failed
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CmdOperation[0], current command executed failed, so SetEvent(hDevCanDeleteEvent)
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CCmdOpreation[0] thread is Closed
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CCmdOpreation[0] thread is Closed
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: DeviceManager::OnMsgDeviceEvent() - EVENT_KILL
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: CMyExceptionHandler::OnMsgExceptionEvent() - KillExceptionHandlerThread
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: Exception Handler thread is closed
ModuleID[2] LevelID[1]: delete MxHidDeviceClass
ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: Device Manager thread is closed
Hello Rafael,
I have flashed android (both 4.2.2 and 4.3) to the eMMC with the settings you show. Are you setting the dip switches to 00000000 when you flash the board?, make sure you do not have an SD connected to the board when flashing it.
What about linux, does it work when you flash the eMMC?
I'm using:
And it DOES NOT work.