I am using yocto build a linux image that integrates some layers of wlan and a specific wifi chip, but seems like patching of one of the files is failing (details below)
Steps that I did:
- Created a working directory
- initialized a repo for kernel 4.14.98 via:
repo init -u https://source.codeaurora.org/external/imx/imx-manifest -b imx-linux-sumo -m imx-4.14.98-2.3.3.xml
- sync the repo via repo sync
- creat a tmp folder outside of the current working dir, and download the specific code for wifi via
repo init -u git://codeaurora.org/quic/le/le/manifest.git -b release -m CHSS.LNX_FSLS.1.0-01200-QCAAUTOHOSTHZ.xml –repo-url=git://codeaurora.org/tools/repo.git –repo-branch=caf-stable
- repo the sync
- copy the `meta-qti-connectivity` and `wlan-opensource` folders into the source folder of the working directory
- Download the files for a specific wifi chip and copy over `meta-qticonnectivity-prop` and `wlanproprietary` into the source folder of the working directory
So now we have added additional 4 directories into the source folder of the working directory
- Set up the build environment
- Run `bitbake core-image-minimal`
and I see the following errors:
ERROR: wpa-supplicant-git-r0 do_patch: Command Error: 'quilt --quiltrc <working_directory>/linux_image/build/tmp/work/imx8qxpmek-poky-linux/wpa-supplicant/git-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/etc/quiltrc push' exited with 0 Output:
Applying patch 0009-Sync-with-mac80211-next.git-include-uapi-linux-nl802.patch
patching file src/drivers/nl80211_copy.h
15 out of 20 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file src/drivers/nl80211_copy.h
Patch 0009-Sync-with-mac80211-next.git-include-uapi-linux-nl802.patch does not apply (enforce with -f)
ERROR: wpa-supplicant-git-r0 do_patch: Function failed: patch_do_patch
can't find the //config/defconfig_4.14.98 file
but the file that I see that exists is defconfig_4.14.78, and that too in of the layers that I added.
I'm new to yocto, and from the looks of it, it seems the patch `0009-Sync-with-mac80211-next.git-include-uapi-linux-nl802.patch` didn't apply, but does that mean the issue is with the patch file or the way it's referenced? It resides in the meta-bsp layer and not in the external layers I added
Do I have to create a separate bbappend file to include the recipes of the layers I added?
Hello jaux_al,
I thinks this patch is not included for this BSP. The bbappend applies to one recipe only. It will apply to the recipe with the coresponding base name. A bbappend can be specified with (or without version or with wildcards in the version). A bbappend without version will apply to ALL versions of the corresponding recipes while a versioned bbappend will only apply to the recipe with the correct version.