Hi all,
Just wanted to comment on how I copied the image from the 4g card to a new larger 8g card.
First let you know I'm a windows guy and new to linux, so the posts that show how to do it with the command line and LBIT were a little scary looking.
I used VMplayer and used two usb to SD card readers using a terminal issued a dd command.
That worked and the board boots just fine.
My goal is to get Apache up and running ( im new to this as well)
and create a server that will display data that is received over the QSB serial port, any hints would be apriciated.
What I need to do now is the dd command created a 4g partition and left the other 4g alone. I need to figure out how to merge them into one so installs will be easier.
Then isntall and set up a web server.
and last figure out how to take control of the Serial port, I will be using C++ but need to know how to disable its use by u-boot.
Thanks Troy
Thanks for the help guys, I will check out those resources. I know I have a lot to learn.
I will keep posting updates and share what i've learned along the way.
BTW got tomcat6 installed, it might be better suited for my needs.
Thanks you for that, didn't know U-boot needs the port, that may be a problem for me, I will read that doc.
Is U-boot similar a PC BIOS?, how does rootfs fit into the picture?