Hi, I´m a student from PADTS CINVESTAV GUADALAJARA, MEX:. I would like to know if someone could help me with a step by step tutorial about compiling a Linux Kernel (as minimal as it could be) with GPU and VPU support (i need to include X11 or directFB libraries as well).
Also I would like to know if i could build it without using LTIB tool because I have tried it a lot of times and i got the same error.
I´m a not very experienced user of Linux.
Hola, soy estudiante de EMBEDDED SOFTWARE -PADTS-13 en CINVESTAV unidad Guadalajara, Mex. ¿Me podrían ayudar con un tutorial de cómo compilar un Kernel de Linux (lo mas mínimo posible) con soporte para GPU y VPU (con soporte de librerías X11 o directFB)? también me gustaría saber si se puede hacer sin necesidad de utilizar LTIB puesto que ya lo he intentado y me aparece un error, lo intente en varias ocasiones y lo mismo.
what error are you having? Please post the error log
I know that an image is more than a thousands words :smileyhappy: but please post the whole error log, just copy and paste into a file and attach it.