Dear all,
I am developing the pci device driver using sdma in i.MX6Q on Sabrelite.
The aim of the driver is to transfer the memory to pci space.
I think that I use the test code, mxc_sdma_mem_test.c in imx-test.
I tried to build the test code, but I couldn't build the test code.
I attached the "error.log".
Can I use mxc_sdma_mem_test.c for i.MX6Q?
If I can use the code, could you please show me how to build the code?
If I can't, could you please show me the other sample code for sdma?
My environments is as follows:
Target: Sabrelite(i.MX6Q)
Build Environments: Yocto (Dora)
Change the Makefile for build:
*** 15,23 ****
module_list-y += sahara_test_driver.o
! ifeq ($(CONFIG_MXC_SDMA_API),y)
module_list-y += mxc_sdma_mem_test.o
! endif
module_list-y += epdc_test_driver.o
--- 15,23 ----
module_list-y += sahara_test_driver.o
! #ifeq ($(CONFIG_MXC_SDMA_API),y)
module_list-y += mxc_sdma_mem_test.o
! #endif
module_list-y += epdc_test_driver.o
Best regards,
Original Attachment has been moved to:
Hi Hiromichi
mxc_sdma_mem_test.c can be used and
it is easily compiled in ltib
L3.0.35_4.1.0_ER_SOURCE_BSP : i.MX 6Quad, i.MX 6Dual, i.MX 6DualLite, i.MX 6Solo and i.MX 6Sololite Linux BSP Source Code Files.
For Yocto buld problems I would suggest to start with link
below and ask yocto experts (DaianeAngolini, LeonardoSandovalGonzalez,OtavioSalvador)
Freescale Yocto Project main page
Regarding SDMA, there are SDK SDMA examples
i.MX 6Series Platform SDK : Bare-metal SDK for the i.MX 6 series, including reusable drivers and tests for many peripherals
Best regards
Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!
Hi chip,
I tried to build in ltib, but I couldn't build mxc_sdma_mem_test.c.
The errors were almost same as before.
I attached the error log for reference.
If I want to use mxc_sdma_mem_test.c in latest build environment, I may need to change it.
For example, "mxc_dma_requestbuf_t" structure used in the test code isn't implemented in the kernel.
I will try the other way.
Best regards,
Hi all,
I made a big mistake!
I should use "mxc_sdma_memcopy_test.c", not "mxc_sdma_mem_test.c".
When I use the code, I get succeed to build.
And, I can run my sdma test application in user space without any problems.
Thanks for your cooperations.
Best regards,
I'm sure that you can use mxc_sdma_mem_test.c, but you need to configure your compile environment!