Some hardware configurations (switches) must be set for booting from NAND:
On the debug board:
Switch SW4 -> 10000001
Switch SW5 -> Off
Switch SW6 -> Off
Switch SW7 -> Off
Switch SW8 -> Off
Switch SW9 -> Off
Switch SW10 -> Off
On the personality board:
Switch SW21 -> 10011000
Switch SW22 -> 00100000
Some hardware configurations (switches) must be set for booting from an SD card:
On the debug board:
Switch SW4 -> 10000001
Switch SW5 -> Off
Switch SW6 -> Off
Switch SW7 -> Off
Switch SW8 -> Off
Switch SW9 -> Off
Switch SW10 -> Off
On the personality board:
Switch SW21 -> 11000000
Switch SW22 -> 00000000