Does I.mx8PLUS have the ability to flip the LCD display upside down?
i.mx8ulp has PXP which can support this feature, refer to the reference manual:
The PXP module includes following features:
Supports YUV 422, 420, 444 and any RGB formatted pixels
The maximum downscaling factor can be up to 16
Color Space Conversion (CSC)
Supports converting from YUV to RGB
Supports bypass mode
Supports color space coefficients configuration
Secondary Color Space Conversion (CSC2)
Supports converting to RGB or YUV color spaces depending on the desired output pixel format
Supports color space coefficients configuration
Supports 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees
Supports vertical and horizontal flips
Composite Alpha Blending and Color Key
Supports normal alpha blending and Porter-Duff alpha blending.
Supports color key function to create transparent effects on the output pixel