After disable jn5169 jtag via uart when programe flash, engneer need update firmware. how to open jtag interface again to flash hex file?
Based on your screenshot, you are attempting to access an inaccessible device. A possible reason is that the USB cable has been disconnected, or the target device is not in programming mode.
The JN5169 will enter UART programming mode if SPIMISO (DO1) pin 22 is low after RESET.
In our Development Kit, this is handled by the FT232R IC.
Best Regards,
Hope you are doing well. The JTAG module, that the JN provides, is only for debug purpose.
I would recommend to check the JN51xx Production Flash Programmer, it is a CLI based software tool which allows data and applications to be loaded from a host machine (such as a PC) into the Flash memory associated with an NXP JN51xx wireless microcontroller.
Best Regards,