I am designing a FIDO key with NFC and I need a NFC chip to provide power and the NFC data to a main processor. Can I use the NTAG I2C chip? The power delivery is enough but I'm not sure about the data. I looked at the example apps for NTAG I2C but I'm not sure how to transfer the ISO 7816-4 APDUs between the NTAG and the main processor. Is there an example source code that shows this or do I need to use a different NFC chip?
Hope you are doing well.
Do you already have a NFC Reader and you need a NFC tag? Or do you already have NFC tags and you need a NFC Reader?
Could you please clarify?
Best Regards,
I am building a product similar to this:
It is a NFC tag and needs to interoperate with NFC Readers, mainly cell phones. I do not develop anything on the reader side. The reader must conform to the FIDO NFC specifications:
I apologize for a late reply. The NTAG I2C Plus is ISO/IEC 14443-3A standard compliance. In security, it has a 32-bit password protection to prevent unauthorized memory operations from NFC.
You should check if the characteristics of this IC can pass the required tests or certifications necessary for your application.
To understand the data exchange between the interfaces, I would recommend this Application Note: How to use the NTAG I²C plus for bidirectional.
And related to the example, you can use the NTAG I2C plus example from the SDK. Some of our boards have the implementation of the example (for example the FRDM-K64F or the LPCXpresso55S69).
You could download it from this page: SDK Builder.
In MCUXpresso you will be able to import the ntag_i2c_plus examples.
The ntag_i2c_explorer_demo demo application is intended to demonstrate communication with the device in SRAM pass-through mode and an external application. Demo should use NFC application on the PC or Mobile phone as a counterpart. This example would be helpful for you.
Hope this helps.