Is there anyone who has successfully implemented or could guide me on how to implement Mifare Classic Card Emulation in Android?
I have extensively studied all the documentation provided by NXP, but I have not found sufficient coding-level information. While they offer theoretical information, practical code examples are lacking.
I attempted using OMAP (Open Mobile API) and attempted to establish a connection with the Secure Element, but unfortunately, I wasn't successful.
My specific requirement is to develop an Android application capable of emulating a Mifare Classic Type card.
If possible, could someone provide step-by-step guidance or instructions on how to achieve Mifare Classic Emulation in Android? If available, including code examples would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I have exhausted numerous approaches and extensively reviewed various GitHub repositories related to NFC Emulation and Mifare Classic Emulation. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate a single repository or codebase that provides a solution for emulating Mifare Classic cards or data.
Furthermore, I diligently studied all documentation provided by NXP, but regrettably, they do not offer any code examples for Mifare Classic emulation in Android, including their sample applications.
I am hopeful that someone with expertise can offer guidance on how to implement Mifare Classic Emulation in Android. Alternatively, I would greatly appreciate any suggested steps to successfully accomplish this task. Your assistance would be invaluable. Thank you.
As far as I know, there is not a document from NXP about how to implement an Android Mifare Classic emulation application.
Only have a application note about PN7160 card emulation.