Is it possible to use Wi-Fi+Bluetooth module 88W8997 on RTOS, such as VXworks?
If yes, please provide the required driver which works on RTOS, VXworks and also related documents.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Hello @Andy_Hsieh ,
Thank you for your time and for contacting NXP support.
Regarding this case, the Vxworks is not currently supported. For our 88W8997 products we have available the Linux Drivers.
Can you please help me with the following information:
1. Which host interface is currently being used for Wifi (PCIE/SDIO) and for Bluetooth?
2. Do you need to use the AP mode?
Please let me know this information to continue the support, also if there is any other question let me know I will be happy to assist you.