JenNet-IP and web resources

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JenNet-IP and web resources

Contributor II

Hello everyone

I imagine the following setup and functions which I try to realize with JenNet-IP and I'm wondering if it's possible and what would you suggest or change:

Basically, I'm using two nodes (JN5168), one functioning as a border router (connected to a host, like raspberry) and the other as a remote control (typical node). The remote control should be able to trigger some actions by calling a REST interface e.g. http://[ipv6 address of the border router]/my/super/action on the host. As far as my understanding goes, the JenNet-IP does not provide any high level interface/protocol calls for HTTP, CoAP etc. Correct me if I'm wrong. One solution I think of is to implement a "proxy service" on the host/border router, but I would be happy if I could avoid it. If I can't, how could I implement the proxy using the JenNet-IP stack? Is the JIPweb the way to go? Thank you for your help!

With kind regards


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Senior Contributor II


Thank you for your interest in NXP products.

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