Trying to run MQX 4.2 on the M4 core of a VF61 module from Toradex, with no success.
Using IAR Embedded Workbench 7.70.2 and its compiler.
This uses the .icf files to tell the linker (iLink) where to place things in memory.
I have run FreeRtos on this core OK, using Toradex examples.
FreeRtos uses .LD files because the GCC compiler is in use.
I have tried to mimic what the .LD file does in the .icf file, but I think I have not done it right.
Maybe a complicating factor is that MQX memory is divided in two,
and the code to run at boot must be in the upper half.
I am using the RemoteProc method to get the A core to start the M core.
Does anyone have an example .icf file that can do this?
MQX supported VF61 autoevb, did you just search in MQX files. v4.1 had it here: