Dear Sir/Madam,
I have gcc version 4.8.1 (which I think it has cross compile for ARM Cortex A5 ) into Ubuntu 12.4; eclipse juno for C/C++. I also have MQX 4.0.
I want to cross compile a simple hello world source for ARM Cortex A5 (for Vybrid VF3X). How can I establish a cross compile Project settings? Do you have any document/App Note which explains the steps or do you have a basic Project with make file for VF3X with MQX which I can built the Project with gcc ?
Best wishes.
Mehmet Ali Ipin.
Dear Martin,
Thank you for your interest,
I have GCC 4.8.1. I am not using any debugger yet. First I want to establish an environment to cross compile files for Vybrid (arm v7), with or without eclipse, then integrate the MQX. after MQX integrated, I will consider the debugger.
Best regards.