Hi guys, i am a software engineer using Qoriva to build up the Line following Car as a hobby.I used the sample code and tested all the basic working of the things.I need one small calrification for the propulsion control part.As per the code and the wiring the pins used for motorl control seems to be Digital i.e we either switch on or off.On checking the TC5074B reference manual i find that those pins do not have the alternate function of PWM generation.So my question is am i supposed to generate PWM signal out of this digital pin in the traditional
way of "" enable pin-delay-disable pin-delay "" mechanism ??
Or am i missing something ?? By the way the ports are PB[0[ ,PB[1].
Thank you for the reply...appreciate it
Hi, h-bridges have connected two input pins, enable (ENDL, ENDR) and input2 (PWML, PWMR). You should generate PWM on PWMx inputs (PortB 14, 15), and set enable input to log. 1.