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University Programs Knowledge Base



Model provided by the Mathworks Academic support team to manage wide angle lenses on the default Freescale Cup car camera.
TFC2015 UCDavis Team Chucksgon Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted​
TFC2015 UCDavis Team DKnight Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted
TFC2015 UCDavis Team The One Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halste
TFC2015 UCDavis Team Young Tortoise Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted​
A Livecast has been set up for you to enjoy The Freescale Cup EMEA Finals on 28-29 April that are hosted at the Politecnico of Torino. Connect on Freescale Cup 2015 live streaming - SeLM - Politecnico di Torino
This document is addressed to the participants and visitors that will join us for The Freescale Cup 2015 Worldwide Finals 2015 The Freescale Cup 2015 Worldwide Finals will be held on 14-15 September 2015 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (Fraunhofer IIS) in Erlangen, Germany. Full address is: Fraunhofer IIS Am Wolfsmantel 33 91058 Erlangen Germany Google Maps location The attendees official guide is now online at https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-106164 Agenda of the event for the participants (subject to change): Sunday September 13th: Arrival at Hotels Get together in the evening (approximate time 18:00) at A&O Hostel Monday September 14th: 8:30: Departure from Hotel for City Tour 11:30: Prepare for departure for Fraunhofer IIS 12:00: Buses depart for Fraunhofer IIS 13:00: Lunch 14:00: Opening session 15:00: Start of Practice 17:30: High School and Innovation Challenge Demos 18:00: End of Practice - Start of the evening event 21:00: End of evening event - boarding buses for return to hotel Tuesday September 15th: 8:00: Buses depart for Fraunhofer IIS 9:00: Practice 13:00: Technical Inspection & Lunch 14:30: Final Race 16:00: Awards Ceremony 17:30: Buses depart for Awards Dinner 20:30: Buses depart for Hotel The event will be presented via LiveCast by the Fraunhofer IIS. URL is http://www2.iis.fraunhofer.de/freescale/  Hotel information: Students Hotel: Nuremberg Hostel - Stay at the A&O Hostel & Hotel Nuremberg  Google Maps Location Professors and Press Hotel: NH Nürnberg City Center hotel in Nuremberg Bahnhofstr. 17-19 | NH Hotel Group Google Maps Location Freescale will cover the cost of travel, accommodation and meals for the event for all Freescale Cup qualified teams and one faculty advisor per the rules in place. For Visa invitation letters, please contact marion.thierry@freescale.com or flavio.stiffan@freescale.com Travel booking will be organized by your regional Freescale University Program contact. Please have your faculty advisor get in touch with them for more information
These are the 2015 Freescale Cup Worldwide Challenge Rules. The Finals will take place in Erlangen Germany on September 14-15, 2015. The Worldwide Rules are to be used for all challenges unless the University Programs Coordinator modifies the rules for your specific region. Update on Rules V6: highlighted the fact that no wireless connectivity is allowed during the race. Any wireless connectivity module must be removed before the technical inspection
MathWorks is a proud global sponsor of The NXP Cup If you are a member of a NXP Cup team, you have access to a complimentary Software License for MATLAB / Simulink. Visit the NXP Cup - MathWorks Deutschland website to learn more about the Software offering.  Examples for using Simulink in the NXP Cup are packaged with the Simulink Coder Support Package for  FRDM-KL25Z available from the Hardware Support Page.  Additional examples for reading and analyzing live data from the Line Scan Camera are available in the NXP Cup Companion App available on the MATLAB File Exchange.  Additionally, there is an example which uses the Simulink Coder product from MathWorks to target the FRDM-KL25Z. Feel free to use the forum on MATLAB Answers or here below to ask your questions about MATLAB use with The NXP Cup.  You can also email roboticsarena@mathworks.com with any questions.
All, The date is getting closer: 28-30 August in Seoul, South Korea. Here is the official agenda (subject to last minute modifications) and more information: Location: Olympic Gymnasium at Hanyang University in Seoul Dates: 28-30 August 2014 Hotel location: Hotel Prima http://www.prima.co.kr  / Address •536, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu Seoul, Seoul, Korea /  Phone +82-2-6006-9201 Agenda Date Time Event Location 28-Aug-2014 Arrival at airport Transfer to Hotel and free time Hotel Prima 29-Aug-2014 7:30 - 8:30 Breakfast Hotel Prima " 8:30 Meet in the lobby for departure Hotel Prima " 9:00 - 12:00 City Tour " 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch " 13:00 - 13:30 Transfer to Hanyang University " 13:30 - 17:00 Practice on Practice tracks Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 17:00 - 17:10 Presentation: History of the Intelligent Car Competition Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 17:10 - 17:30 Teams' Introduction Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 17:30 - 17:40 Rules and Information Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 17:40 - 18:00 Q&A Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 18:00 - 18:30 Transfer to dinner " 18:30 - 20:30 Dinner " 20:30 - 21:00 Transfer to Hotel Prima Hotel " 21:00 Free Time 30-Aug-2014 7:30 - 8:30 Breakfast Prima Hotel " 8:30 Meet in the lobby for departure Prima Hotel " 8:30 - 9:00 Transfer to Hanyang University Prima Hotel " 9:00 - 9:30 Registration and technical inspection Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 9:30 - 12:00 Practice on Practice tracks Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 12:00 - 13:00 Working Lunch (lunch boxes) Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 13:00 - 13:15 Keynote by VIP Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 13:15 - 13:30 Introduction of The Worldwide Freescale Cup Championship Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 13:30 - 15:00 Finals Race Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 15:00 - 15:30 Awards Ceremony Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 15:30 - 15:40 Introduction of The Worldwide Freescale Cup 2015 in Germany Hanyang University - Olympic Gymnasium " 15:40 - 16:30 Transfer to Tour and Dinner " 16:30 - 20:00 City Tour and Dinner " 20:00 - 20:30 Transfer to Hotel Prima Hotel " 20:30 Free Time 31-Aug-2014 Check out and Transfer to Airport
Join the fun and watch the who will be crowned Freescale Cup Champion, LIVE from the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits. Check the event info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1425416907713292/ LIVECAST http://p.livecoder.com/Freescale_IIS
25 student teams from 21 universities coming from 11 countries will meet on 29-30 April for the Freescale Cup EMEA Challenge. Check out the event information at https://www.facebook.com/events/1425416907713292/
Video on YouTube done by the University of Applied Sciences of Munich about the Freescale Cup event held on March 18th Freescale Cup 2014 an der Hochschule München - YouTube
The Freescale Cup has been around the world for the last 9 years. Over 23,000 students work each year on intelligent cars to make then run around the track at fast speed. Find more information on the community. Select the region you are part on and engage in the next season of the challenge.
Here is a short update via video of the activities done at the University Programs demo area at the Embedded World 2014 Exhibition that was held on 25-27 March 2014 in Nuremberg (Germany).
Here is a simple example developed at Politecnico di Torino, to show how the NXP CUP car can be managed using Simulink-generated code. The Simulink model is intended to move the car forward and backward for 20 seconds, or until an obstacle is found. Any comment is welcome.
Official rules of the Global Freescale Cup! New in 2014 - Roll-out of leagues: Depending on region there will now be three leagues.  The Global race will only be stock league vehicles. Stock League - Racing using approved components, less customization allowed Custom League - Racing with less restrictions and custom hardware Innovation League - More than just racing.  Complete an objective or task to score points and win. Notes You can view this document in PDF format using the Action Menu bar. This rule set is for the Worldwide challenge.  Find your regional rules here The Worldwide challenge is only open to the stock (unmodified) challengers at this time. If you have ANY questions about these rules, post them in the comments section below.  If you have questions about regional rules, ask in your regional group. Section 1: Team Requirements A regional championship team must run a “stock” (unmodified) league to qualify. Four person maximum team size. A team may have only one graduate student. Cars will be designed and constructed by students ONLY.  Participants, advisers, and audience are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship. Any inappropriate behavior or cheating may result in disqualification. Section 2: Event Registration Entrants into the worldwide challenge are by invitation only. One invitation is extended to each regional champion team. One person from the regional champion team must register the entire team for the worldwide challenge within two weeks after the conclusion of the regional final.  Section 3: Equipment Requirements Each team shall use the same basic kit of parts as described below.  The following requirements are in place to keep the playing field level.  You must use one of the approved controller and motor driver boards.  If any standard component of the car model is damaged, then the same replacement component should be used. Mechanical The original and unaltered equipment must be used in the entry.  Outer tire treads and rim Drive - DC motors Transmission Ratio of Drive Motor Servo Motor Allowed modifications and restrictions: You may not change the wheel base (distance between wheels) No part of the car shall exceed dimensions of 250mm/9.85in (W) x 400mm/15.75in (L)x 305mm/12in.(H) You may drill holes and mount auxiliary pieces on the chassis assuming it is contained within the above dimensions. You may change the orientation of the servo motor and related linkages. You may add a "skin" to the car but it must be removable during inspection. You may adjust or remove springs, linkages, and other non-essential pieces. You may adhere the tread to the rim.   Electrical Battery (purchase separately) 7.2V, <=3000mAh, rechargeable NiCd or NiMH  Only one (1) battery at a time may be used to power the vehicle and any attached hardware You must use one of the approved boards below to control your car. Control System FRDM- series of boards The FRDM-KL25Z is included but not mandatory to use. TRK- series Kinetis based TWR- series High Voltage Motor Control and Interface TFC-SHIELD The TFC-SHIELD is included but not mandatory to use. The Dual Motor Control Board from Landzo technologies. Allowed modifications and restrictions: One processor - No auxiliary processor or other programmable device is allowed.  The car must use a optical sensor to navigate DC-DC boost circuit may not exceed battery voltage. Total capacity of all capacitors should not exceed 2000 uF. Sensor Limits You may use additional cameras.  Maximum of sixteen (16) sensors Examples of sensor count:  IR Transmitter/Receiver pair is 1 sensor A CCD sensor is 1 sensor The provided Line Scan Camera is 1 sensor A hall effect sensor on two rear wheels is 2 sensors An encoder mounted on one wheel is 1 sensor A display (is allowed) does not count as a sensor Section 4: Vehicle Inspection Before the race, the judges will perform a technical inspection of all entries. This includes vehicle specifications, dimensions, and equipment requirements listed in Section 3. All cars must be placed in the Inspection area on or before the designated time. Once in the Inspection Area, you may not touch car until you are called to race! In the event of any violations, the organizing committee may disqualify the corresponding team. Section 5: Timed Race Procedure Race order will be determined by a random drawing. When your team is called you may remove your car  from inspection area.  You will have two (2) minutes to prepare the car. Approved Adjustments - You may: Configure parameters via on-board interfaces. (Switches, Knobs, etc.) Alter the angle of your camera Change batteries  Disallowed Adjustments -You may not: Reprogram your processor Configure parameters via wired or wireless communications. There shall be only one team member on the track at any given time. (excludes testing times) Before the 2 minute expires you must signal “Ready” to the referee before starting car. After the referee confirms “Ready”, the vehicle should leave the starting area within 30 seconds. Teams have THREE attempts to complete ONE lap.  The FIRST (not the best) completed time will be recorded. Example: Attempt 1 – Vehicle goes to fast around a curve and goes off track.  Time is not recorded. Attempt 2 – Vehicle makes it around track successfully.  Time is recorded. Attempt 3 – Is forfeit because FIRST time (Attempt 2) has been recorded. After each attempt you have two minutes to make approved (see above) adjustments to vehicle. After the attempts, the team shall return the vehicle to inspection area. Event displays will post the times after each team races. Section 6: Race Day Schedule Practice Time - Prior to final race, a test track will be available. Final calibration may be made at this time.  This will be organized with team slots and/or “free-time”.   2. Reconfigure practice track to final track. Vehicle Inspection (see section 4) Timed Race Awards Ceremony Section 7: Event Personnel Organizing committee – A committee of senior judges and Freescale event organizers.  Will coordinate event day activities and mediate and resolve any disputes. Referees -  Responsible for on-track activities. This includes race track management such as starting and stopping vehicles, as well as timing and scorekeeping. Comprise up of of faculty, student, and/or Freescale and industry employees. Judges  - Interpret and enforce rule compliance.  This will be comprised of Freescale employees and members of contributing industry sponsors. Event Personnel shall not aid any one specific team. Communication shall be open to all teams and shall not disclose any information that might compromise the fairness of the competition. Section 8: Fouls, Failure and Disqualifications The rules will be interpreted by Freescale and the organizing committee of the event.             Foul, is a minor infraction, which results in time penalties. Failure, results in the current attempt time not being recorded. Subsequent attempts are allowed. Disqualification is a major infraction which results all times not being recorded. Referee will determine whether the racing car ran out of the race track and assign time penalties. Any of the following conditions will be considered a foul and will result in time penalty added: The race car fails to leave the starting area within 30 seconds after beginning of the race [+1 second]. The race car fails to stop 2 meters/6 feet or leaves the track after crossing the finish line [+1 second]. Any of the following conditions will be considered a failure and no time will be given: Three or more wheels leave the race surface. The racing team fails to get prepared for the attempt within the two (2) minutes allotment. The player touches the race car after the technical inspection without consent of the referee. The race car fails to finish within 120 seconds after leaving the starting area. Touching the car at any time between start and finish. "Start" - Once the vehicle crosses the starting line. "Finish" - Once the vehicle crosses the finish line. Any of the following conditions will be considered a disqualification:   Any off track equipment or behavior that may influence or impede cars.   Doing a Disallowed Modification anytime after Inspection. More than one team member in the playing field. Any cheating during the competition. Failure to pass the technical inspection. Equality and fairness will be ensured as much as possible on the condition of actual feasibility.  Disputes will be resolved by a vote of Freescale, members of the organizing committee, and judges. Section 9: Timing/Scoring Time will be captured using an electronic gate and/or handheld timer. Time starts and ends when the first part of the racing car breaks the start/finish line. Fouls will result in the time addition to the car’s lap time. Disqualifications and Failures will result in no score. Section 10: Parameters of the Racing Track A test track made from the same material as the final track will be made available on the day prior to the final race for calibration and design modifications. The actual layout of the final racing track will be unknown to competitors until competition day. Width of the racing track shall not be less than 600mm/23.65in. Material and dimensional specifications can be found on the community. Surface of the racing track is matte white, with a continuous black line (25mm/1in wide) on each edge of the track. The racing track can intersect with a crossing angle of 90°. The racing track can have inclines, declines,  and tunnels. The rules and conditions are subject to change by Freescale if necessary. Freescale reserves the right in their sole discretion to cancel, suspend and/or modify The Freescale Cup race at any time. These official rules are drawn up in the English language. If these official rules are provided in any other language and there is a conflict in the text, the English language text shall prevail. Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2014
Este proyecto está siendo desarrollado por alumnos del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, el cual está orientado para servir como un tipo de terapia para personas discapacitadas. El proyecto en sí consiste en el control de un vehículo de juguete por medio de pulsaciones que serán realizadas con pelotas anti-estrés, de esta forma la persona podrá realizar un ejercicio de fortalecimiento en sus extremidades superiores de una forma más entretenida y menos tediosa que las clásicas terapias. Es importante mencionar que para poder realizar este proyecto es necesario el uso de dos tarjetas Freedom KL25Z de Freescale®, dos módulos Bluetooth®, dos servomotores de rotación continua y dos sensores de presión, los cuales serán incorporados dentro de las pelotas anti-estrés. El vehículo de juguete estará compuesto por los servomotores, que servirán como llantas; un módulo Bluetooth®, el cual recibirá las señales del otro módulo; y una de las tarjetas Freedom KL25Z. Por otro lado una de las tarjetas Freedom KL25Z estará conectada con los sensores integrados en las pelotas anti-estrés y a un módulo cuya función es mandar la información capturada por los sensores al vehículo de juguete. La mecánica del proyecto depende de la pelota que sea presionada, pues si se presiona solamente una pelota, el vehículo avanzará, por otro lado si se presiona la otra pelota, el vehículo girará sobre su propio eje. Este proyecto tiene como fin la implementación de conocimiento prácticos y teóricos en busca de una aportación en beneficio de la sociedad. También es relevante comentar que las visiones a futuro de este proyecto es que pueda ser implementado como una especie de control para una silla de ruedas, con el fin de facilitar la movilidad y aumentar la comodidad al momento de usar este tipo de vehículo. Original Attachment has been moved to: Codigo-tarjetas-freedom.zip
You can view the history of the "motor control shield" here.  The latest Freescale Cup Motor Control board (part number TFC-SHIELD), which is included by default in the kit, is pinned out to directly connect to the FRDM-KL25Z development board.  If you are using the TRK-MPC560xB or other board you will have to direct-wire the connections, as illustrated below.
2013 Global Freescale Cup Participant: Malaysia Car Specs: -Freescale Freedom FRDM-KL25Z