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A tomada inteligente segue a filosofia proposta pelo protocolo internacional de medição e verificação (PIMVP) que diz “não gerenciamos aquilo que não medimos”. Porém, nem sempre temos um equipamento acessível ou recurso adequado para isso. A proposta da tomada é fornecer aos usuários um sistema de medição e controle sem a necessidade de grandes investimentos. O adaptador de tomada inteligente possui um circuito de medição de corrente elétrica e um circuito para medição da tensão elétrica presente na tomada. Estas informações são, inicialmente, armazenadas em na memória interna da tomada. Um aplicativo desenvolvido para dispositivos Android se comunica com a tomada, através da rede wireless da residência. Link do dropbox para acessar arquivos: Dropbox - Tomada Inteligente
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Added by Gil Ernesto Rieke Aguirre on July 25, 2012 Universidad de Guadalajara test setup of Freescale Cup car. 
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Interactive alarm Clock La descripción de este proyecto consta principalmente de tres elementos que destacan el primero y el cual es tomado como planta principal es un reloj despertador el cual esta conformado por un freedom, un LCD de 16x2 caract. y por una pequeña bocina, este será controlado para su funcionamiento con el módulo touch del micro-controlador; como segundo apartado se tiene una tira de LEDS que se empotra a la cabecera de la cama la cual contendrá un dimmer para controlar la cantidad de luz, teniendo como máxima intensidad la hora fijada en la alarma (como apoyo además de la bocina para lograr despertar) y por último un interruptor de apagado que se pretende colocar al otro lado de la habitación donde se desee incorporar el despertador, el cual tendrá forma de canasta de baloncesto, para que solamente al anotar una canasta sea la única forma de apagar la alarma y este proceso sea interactivo.
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This year we are launching the inaugural Global Freescale Cup challenge.  Teams from 9 regions of the world will be competing to see who the best-of-the-best is. Regional student champions will be working hard to create the most intelligent race car to win Global challenge on August 22-24, 2013, held at the Harbin Institute of Technology in China. The challenge will feature Freescale’s 32-bit microprocessors either ARM-based or Power Architecture-based. Important Information 2013 Global Rules Team Registration (closed) Click "Receive email updates" from right navigation to stay informed of changes. Add your own questions below in the comments section. View this page as a PDF - To print Meet the Teams Brazil - Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo China - (Semi-finalist*) University of Science and Technology China - (Semi-finalist*) South-Center University for Nationalities Slovakia - Slovak University of Technology India - Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Japan - The University of Tokyo Malaysia - Swinburne University of Technology Mexico - Instituto Politecnico Nacional Taiwan - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology United States - University of California Berkeley - Team Jolt *Semifinalist teams to compete prior to the global challenge to determine which team will represent the region. Event Agenda (Subject to Change.  All listed times are local time) August 21st Team Arrivals. Transportation arranged for all teams from Airport to Hotel. Look for The Freescale Cup sign. Arrival times provided. August 22nd 07:30 - 12:00 Team Tour - Sun Island 12:00 -13:00 Team Lunch Practice Track A Track B 12:55 - 13:15 University of Science and Technology Beijing South Center University for Nationalities 13:15 - 13:45 Mandatory Team Meeting & Rule Review 13:45 - 14:05 The University of Tokyo National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 14:10 - 14:30 UC Berkeley Swinburne University of Technology 14:35 - 14:55 Bannari Anman Institute of Technology Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo 15:00-15:20 South Center University for Nationalities University of Science and Technology Beijing 15:25 - 15:45 Instituto Politecnico Nacional Slovak University of Technology 15:55 - 16:10 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology The University of Tokyo 16:15 - 16:35 Swinburne University of Technology UC Berkeley 16:40 - 17:00 Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo Bannari Anman Institute of Technology 17:05 - 17:25 Slovak University of Technology Instituto Politecnico Nacional 18:00 - 19:00 Team Dinner August 23rd 8:00 - 8:30 Opening Ceremony 8:30 - 9:00 Final Race China Semi-finalists 9:10 - 9:30 Practice Track C - Slovak University of Technology 9:35 - 9:55 Practice Track C - The University of Tokyo 10:00 - 10:20 Practice Track C - UC Berkeley 10:00 - 10:45 Practice Track C - Bannari Anman Institute of Technology 10:50 - 11:10 Practice Track C - Instituto Politecnico Nacional 12:00 - 13:00 Team Lunch 13:20 - 13:40 Practice Track C - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 13:45 - 14:05 Practice Track C - Swinburne University of Technology 14:10 - 14:30 Practice Track C - Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo 14:35 - 14:55 Practice Track C - Winner of China Semi-finals 4:00p - 4:30p Track Change 4:30p - 5:30p Final Race 5:30p - 6:00p Awards Ceremony 6:00p - 7:00p Team Dinner August 24th Teams to observe the finals of the China regional. 8:00  - 11:00 China Regional - Final Speed Race 11:00 - 12:00 China Regional - Final Innovation Competition 12:00 - 12:30 China Regional - Awards Ceremony 12:30 - 17:00 Free Time 17:00 - 18:00 Team Dinner Event Hotel Harbin Sinoway Hotel Address: No.2 Yiyuan Street. Harbin China. Contact: Xiaodan Liu Mobile Phone: 15904611007 Current Weather Conditions Link will re-direct to Race Location Harbin Institute of Technology August 22-24, 2013 Contributing Sponsors    
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Option #1 Camera Mount Designed by Eli Hughes of WaveNumber LLC. You can order these parts through which 3D prints on demand. You can choose from all sorts of materials depending on how much you want to spend. Camera Mount Option #2 To attach the camera we found useful to prepare two metal L-shaped pieces made from aluminium. With the help of black plastic distance posts (already available in the kit) and these metal stands, you may freely change the position of the camera over the surface. You may use following files to cut the required shapes (drawing was made using the QCad program): Preview (.pdf) CAD file (.dxf)
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Freescale Cup Brasil em 29 de setembro de 2011- São Paulo
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2013 Worldwide Freescale Cup Participant (2nd Place) - Malaysia Video Link : 1587 Car Specs: FRDM-KL25Z Secondary servo to pan camera
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WARNING If you stumble across the "getting started page" FREEDOM BOARD / CORTEX M0+ GETTING STARTED Please take note: While working with a large number of Freedom boards in a course,  it was observed that the Init Clock Routines would *sometimes* not work.    *Some* of the crystals on the freedom boards do NOT like "HIGH_GAIN" mode.   change the line   pll_init(8000000, HIGH_GAIN, CRYSTAL, 4, 24, MCGOUT); to   pll_init(8000000, LOW_POWER, CRYSTAL, 4, 24, MCGOUT);
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Assembly Of The Freescale Cup Car Chassis Before you start building your program for your car, It would be better if you can assemble your car chassis first. With your car correctly assembled, you can easily test it with your different programs in the later tutorials. The followings are all the tutorials about car chassis assembly. A step-by-step car chassis assembly manual & hints (pub)  (PDF) Servo and steering assembly directions DIY Board mounting template for the TRK-MPC5604B DIY Board mounting template for the Tower System Board mounting suggestions for the FRDM-KL25Z with shield DIY Camera Mounts Wiring connections for the TRK-MPC5604B Hints and notes to chassis assembly Freescale Cup Innovation Challenge EMEA Model B car assembly file in attachment below Exploded Assembly Diagrams Chassis Build Directions [PPT] Original Manufacturer Directions [PDF]
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Este proyecto consiste en controlar un foco RGB conectándolo desde la corriente alterna y controlandolo con cualquier celular android con Bluetooth la aplicación se diseño en java. y se uso un shield de bluettoth para freedom.
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"How am I ? " Es un proyecto que esta diseñado para poder ayudar a los niños autistas, ya que ellos tienen problemas a la hora de trabajar la empatía y la socialización con las demás personas, incluyendo su familia. Con la ayuda de este dispositivo interactivo los niños podrán practicar estas habilidades, para así ayudarlos notablemente en su vida cotidiana. El proyecto inicial es a través de sonidos de animales, el niño asocia el sonido a una carta que cuenta con la imagen de los sonidos que se van a reproducir. Esto con la finalidad inicial de enseñarle al niño a usar el dispositivo interactivo para después proceder a presentarle Imágenes o gestos de emociones para que las reconozca y así trabajar en su empatía. Con ayuda de  la Freescale Freedom Development Platform FRDM-KL25Z  y sensores infra-rojos se lee un código de barras colocado en las cartas para poder llevar la información a la computadora y a su vez mueve un servo motor que impulsa a un coche de juguete con un mecanismo de biela manivela para poder contar su avance y habilidad. Esto para hacer esta terapia mas interactiva y a manera de juego.
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Congratulations to the Winning Teams!! First Place Second Place Third Place Team Chrysler Team Ford Team Panasonic 23.91 seconds 26.80 seconds 27.34 seconds Team Members: Tom Pruett Sandhya Etikala Manjiri Joshi Team Members: Saumil Patwari Jim Weinfurther Kevin Hille Team Members: Vince Li Jeffery Kuo Adeel Yusuf The complete times are listed below.
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This is the 8th year for the China national finals of Freescale Cup intelligent car racing.  In parallel to this years China regional we are hosting the champion teams from regions around the world in a winner take all racing showdown. Today kicked off day one of the event which is mostly practice.   But first, a little international team building and a tour to Sun Island in Harbin, China. (Photo courtesy of Peter Fang) (Photo courtesy of DamarisOchoa) Followed by some down to business practice where we had our first glimpse of all the teams.   All the worldwide teams look very strong and should be a very competitive match-up. (Photo courtesy of DamarisOchoa) If you are at the Global Freescale Cup 2013  add your pictures in the comments section below!!
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Hello Freescale Cup Teams,   MathWorks is pleased to support the 2015 Freescale Cup EMEA Competition! Take advantage of our: Complimentary Access to MATLAB & Simulink Your team is eligible for an offer of Complimentary Software Licenses. Your team leader or faculty advisor should review and complete the Student Competition Software Request Form to take advantage of our software offer.   Deploy your Simulink models directly to the Freedom board and shield MathWorks is offering hardware support for the Freescale Cup hardware (FRDM-KL25Z, FRDM-MC-SHLD).  Find all relevant information on and install your the package without additional fees. For more information visit the hardware support page and the MakerZone .   Interactive tutorials There are a total of five tutorials, narrated by specialists from MathWorks that include interactive exercises to reinforce learning on our dedicated webpage: .   Technical support Send an email to .   We are looking forward to working with you and wish you all the best.    Best regards, The MathWorks Student Competition Program  
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Este proyecto fue realizado por estudiantes de Mecatrónica del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara y está diseñado para pacientes con problemas motrices, principalmente en brazos y piernas. La intención de nuestro prototipo es que el paciente pueda transportarse autónomamente en su silla de ruedas mediante una especie de casco que detecte la dirección deseada, además de que sea una manera recreativa de trasladarse. Este casco usa acelerómetros y se mueve detectando los ejes X y Y, este último es para trasladarse hacia adelante y en reversa. Nuestra intención es demostrar nuestro punto usando un carrito constituido por una ProtoBoard, dos servomotores y una tarjeta Freedom® KL25Z de Freescale® y controlarlo por medio de dicho casco
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Join the fun and watch the who will be crowned Freescale Cup Champion, LIVE from the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits. Check the event info at LIVECAST
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All results of the NXP CUP survey can be found here.
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The Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits in Erlangen (Germany) is the inventor (with Thomson) of the MP3 files most of use today in our smartphone and media players. They are over 20,000 researchers strong and a force in the R&D community in Germany and around the world. The institute will welcome and host the Freescale Cup 2014 EMEA finals on 29-30 April 2014. It is a great chance for the student teams that will be at the event to get a glimpse of engineering R&D at its best and make contact with talented Fraunhofer Institute engineers shaping the world of tomorrow. See the press release at 20130715_Freescale_2014 - Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS
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