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And here are the results! Congratulations to the 6 teams which managed to complete the track! #1 Team ARCar1 from Haute Ecole ARC Ingenierie in Switzerland. Time 15.7 sec #2 Team FasTech from University of Craiova in Romania. Time 16.4 sec #3 Team EBB from University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf in Germany. Time 16.6 sec #4 Team KNE::HardFault_Handler() from AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow in Poland. Time 17.2 sec #5 Team Wonderbolts from Odessa National Polytechnic University in Ukraine. Time 18.9 sec #6 Team Hetz Mich Nicht! from Deggendorf Institute of Technology in Germany. Tome 25.6 sec Thanks to all the other teams for participating, it was a great event! More pictures will be available soon. #1 Team ARCar1 Statistics of the final race track 11 straights 20 curves 2 intersections 1 start/stop 2 chicanes 1 hill 1 bumper (speed bumps) Media/Press coverage HE-arc : : Swiss students race off with NXP Cup EMEA | Electronics Weekly : NXP Cup EMEA 2016: Die Schweizer sind die Schnellsten – Electronic Specifier : Winners of The NXP Cup EMEA Challenge 2016 announced HS Duesseldorf : ARM University programs Facebook page : ARM University Program - Photos | Facebook Youtube : ING VID160511 Canal Alpha La HE Arc remporte la finale des voitures autonomes - YouTube Youtube : NXP Cup 2016 EMEA Finals (Full Race) - YouTube Youtube : NXP Cup EMEA 2016 - YouTube Youtube: NXP Cup EMEA Finals 2016 - YouTube nxp2016ese « NXP CUP 2016 -- Europa S-E The EMEA Finale will take place at the NXP office in Munich! Date : 9 & 10th of May 2016 Address : Schatzbogen 7, 81829 Munich, Germany How to access? Ubahn line 2, station Moosfeld (then walk 10 min) Google map location : Google Maps AGENDA DAY 1 9.00 - 10.00 : Welcome & Registrations 10.00 - 10.30 : Opening 10.30 - 12.30 : Practice time 12.30 - 13.30 : Lunch & Network time 13.30 - 16.30 : Practice time 16.30 - 17.00 : Demonstration of High School teams & Prizes 17.00 - 19.00 : Activity in the city 19.00 - 21.00 : Dinner DAY 2 9.30 - 10.00 : Opening 10.00 - 13.30 : Practice time 13.30 - 14.30 : Lunch 14.30 - 15.15  : Final Race 15.15 - 15.45 : Prizes 16.00 : End of the event IMPORTANT : Food will be provided from Monday 9th morning till Tuesday 10th end of the event Hotels recommendation : - A&O Hostel, Munich Hauptbahnhof, Bayerstrasse 75, 80335 Munich (30 min to reach NXP Site) - Hotels around the Messe (tradeshow center) Any questions : LIST OF THE UNIVERSITY TEAMS : 16 teams coming from 9 countries Team Name Institute Country 0x2A Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus Greece ARCar1 Haute Ecole ARC Ingénierie Switzerland ARCar2 Haute Ecole ARC Ingénierie Switzerland Bowser Deggendorf Institute of Technology Germany EBB University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf Germany EHTPCAR3 Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics EHTP Morrocco FasTech University of Craiova Romania Freenix PHELMA Grenoble France Hetz mich nicht! Deggendorf Institute of Technology Germany Hotrod University of Sheffield UK KNE::HardFault_Handler() AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow Poland LineRider University of Sheffield UK MDD University of Craiova Romania Night Watch University of Mundiapolis Morrocco WHBD University of Mundiapolis Morrocco Wonderbolts ONPU - Odessa National Politechnich University Ukraine
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THE RESULTS 14 teams from Morocco and Tunisia tried to qualify for the EMEA Finales during the first Qualifications event of the Season 2016 in Casablanca Morocco. 3 teams qualified as below : 1st place : EHTPCAR3 from Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics, Morocco with the time 12.6 seconds 2nd place : Night Watch from University Mundiapolis, Morocco with the time 21.9 seconds 3rd place : Uni-WHBD from from University Mundiapolis, Morocco with the time 29.2 seconds Thanks to all the participants for their hard work and the great mood during the event! PREPARING THE EVENT The NXP Cup 2016 qualifications hosted by the University of Mundiapolis in Morocco will be held on Saturday 5th of March, 2016 Location of the race: Mundiapolis University - Casablanca Pole Formation ONDA - Aeroport Mohamed V 26202 NOUACEUR - CASABLANCA Morocco Direction on Google Maps​ AGENDA OF THE EVENT : 8:30 - 9:30 Registrations 9:30 Opening 10:00 Start of training 14:00 End of training period: Technical inspection + break for the students 15:00 Freescale Cup Qualification race 16:00 Qualification Results 16:30 End of the event IMPORTANT : Travel at charge of the attendees.Lunch provided by the university
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Interested into participating at the EMEA Freescale Cup Challenge 2014?? Here is some important information for you to get started with. For any questions or sign up instructions, please contact me at
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The Freescale Cup EMEA 2015 Finals have been held at the Politecnico of Torino on 28-29 April 2015. Full results can be found in the attachment below. Highlights Freescale Cup Challenge: EMEA Champion: Team ARCar1 of the Haute Ecole of Ingenerie - Switzerland 16.360s 2nd Place: Team Sumery of the Politecnico of Torino - Italy 16.955s 3rd Place: Team KNE FreeMasters from AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow - Poland 16.982s Highlights Innovation Challenge: 1st Place with Special Award: Team INNOV-Kafar for AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow - Poland Highlights Freescale Cup High School Challenge: 1st Place: Team SADDred from the ITIS Ferrari di Susa - Italy 9.927s 2nd Place: Team MALSred from the ITIS Ferrari di Susa - Italy 10.262s 3rdPlace: Team Valasi from Stredni Skola informatiky, Elektrotechniky a Remesel Roznov - Czech Republic 12.9s Full results in attachment below. Track statistics for the Freescale Cup EMEA Finals track and Innovation Challenge: 2 intersections 15 straight 18 curves 1 start/stop 2 bumpers (speed bumps) 2 chicanes 2 hills Agenda 28 April 2015 8:30: Registrations and Teams' setup 9:30: Opening presentation 11:00: Training Start 14:00: Start Sequence for High Schools and Universities 17:30: End of Training / Clean Up 18:00: Welcome Event by the Politecnico of Torino 29 April 2015 8:30: Training Start 9:30: Sponsor Presentations (in parallel to training for professors and external audiences) 13:00: End of Training - Technical Inspection 14:00: Freescale Cup EMEA Finals 15:30: Awards and Conclusion of the Event 17:00: End of the Event
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On January 16th, 2014 we have receive the visit from students of the University of Applied Sciences of Landshut (Germany). They came under snowy skies to our Munich facility to test their Freescale Cup cars in preparation for the upcoming Germany Qualification event scheduled for 18Mar14. In a matter of a couple of hours they were able to improve the performance of their vehicles and leave with new ideas about how to improve them and make them go even faster. Here are a few pictures taken on that afternoon
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Dear racing enthusiasts, the link below leads you to some video impressions from the training tracks for the Freescale Cup EMEA 2014 Finals at Fraunhofer in Erlangen from April 29-30: Freescale Cup EMEA 2014 Finals - Training Impressions Rolf
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THE RESULTS 13 teams from France, Italy and Switzerland participated to the race on the 31st of March 2016. Congratulations to the 3 first teams which qualified for the EMEA Finale! First place: Team Knutcar from Haute Ecole ARC Ingenierie in Switzerland with the time 10.4 seconds Second place: Team ARCAR1 from Haute Ecole ARC Ingenierie in Switzerland with the time 13.5 seconds Third place: Team Freenix from PHELMA Grenoble in France with the time 13.6 seconds Also congratulations to the 2 highschool students from Ferrari Di Susa in Torino who did a great job on the Highschool track and are invited to present their work during the EMEA Finale in Munich! First place: Team Knutcar from Haute Ecole ARC Ingenierie in Switzerland with the time 10.4 seconds Second place: Team ARCAR1 from Haute Ecole ARC Ingenierie in Switzerland with the time 13.5 seconds Third place: Team Freenix from PHELMA Grenoble in France with the time 13.6 seconds Thanks to all the participants for coming! STATISTICS OF THE FINAL RACE TRACK : 8 straights 16 curves 1 intersection 1 start/stop 2 chicane 1 hill The NXP Cup 2016 qualifications hosted by the Phelma Minatec in Grenoble, France will be held on Thursday 31st  of March, 2016. LOCATION OF THE RACE Phelma Minatec 3 Parvis Louis Neel CS 50257 - 38016 Grenoble Cedex 1 Salle A-102 et A-103 Amphi Minatec AGENDA 8:30 - 9:30 Registrations 9:30 Opening 10:00 Start of training 14:00 End of training period: Technical inspection + lunch for the students 14:45 Qualification race 15:30 Qualification Results 16:00 End of the event IMPORTANT : Lunch will be provided
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After a fierce competition, the 2013 EMEA champions FEI-Minetors have again secured the 2014 championship. The top 3 teams from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, the Politecnico of Torino and AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow are separated by less than 1/2 second. The event was hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits (IIS) in Erlangen Germany. Find all the pictures and videos on the Freescale University Programs Facebook page at Freescale University Programs - College & University | Facebook The full results are as follow: University Team Name Lap Time Slovak University of Technology Bratislava FEI-minetors 00:19.2 Politecnico of Torino POLIce 00:19.5 AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow KNE Fideltronik 00:19.6 University of Padova The Jaiton Broules 00:22.0 University of Sheffield SCAR 00:23.8 Politecnico of Torino ToPOLIno 00:24.9 University of Applied Sciences Landshut LA Speed!Up 00:25.8 ONPU - Odessa National Polytechnic University Wonderbolts 00:25.8 Technical University of Iasi Bolt 00:26.4 Wroclaw University of Technology The Polish Team 00:26.8 Haute Ecole ARC Ingénierie FollowerStarTwo 00:27.1 Haute Ecole ARC Ingénierie FollowerStar 00:32.0 ENSEEIHT Toulouse 7robot 00:38.8 NovSU - Novgorod State University Machine Gun - ESEO Angers Triumvirat - University of Craiova EMMA [UCV] - University of Padova RoadRunner - Deggendorf Institute of Technology Freibier Luis - Politehica Bucharest MIKA - Transilvania University of Brasov AIA - TUSUR - Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics Turbo Turtles Team - Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics EHTP EHTP team - TPU - Tomsk Polytechnic University TIME machine - Nuremberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm Ohm - Slovak University of Technology Bratislava For Seal -
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For all participants in the EMEA, we have a supplier in Romania that has created a low-cost PVC racetrack to the specifications of the Freescale Cup. The track is made out of 3mmPVC covered with a plastic film for reinforcement. Center Lane and Edge Lane designs are available. Order is by the unit (see attached file of available parts). Hill and Tunnel are not available from this supplier. Track specifications: The kit is made from PVC 3 mm thick, covered with German laminating film ORAGUARD 210 in order to have a good adherence. The strips are from black self-adhesive foil. See attached basic kit content. The price for each item : 1. Fig. no 1 : 25 euro 2. Fig. no.2 : 21 euro 3. Fig. no.3 : 22 euro 4. Fig. no.4 : 40 euro 5. Fig. no.5 : 23 euro -------------------------------- Total basic kit : 810 euro + shipping The contact person : Pojoreanu Marian The original Freescale Cup track used for EMEA and Worldwide Races is manufactured in the US. We are currently investigating possibilities for you to order directly to the supply source in the US. Stay tuned for news.
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The rules of the Freescale Cup EMEA 2015 version 1.1 updated 08July2014 to clarify the teams' maximum number of students and students' level.
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The Innovation Challenge EMEA 2015 is a pilot program for a limited number of teams. The Innovation Challenge might be different every year. Teams enrolled into the Innovation Challenge EMEA 2015 will use a new car kit with 1 motor. The aim of the challenge is to run multiple laps on the Freescale Cup track, the winner is the team that goes the fastest with the least battery consumption. Innovation enrolled teams will participate in the Freescale Cup qualification event as demo cars. A selection of the best Innovation teams might attend the Freescale Cup EMEA Finals. Schedule for the events is listed on The Freescale Cup main page. Pictures of the timer last lap notification: A special power meter has been created at Freescale to measure the battery drain. Information about the smart meter is also attached to this document. Please make sure that the connectors between your MCU board and the battery are the Tamiya connectors More information see the rules and the rest of the information attached in this section. For any questions regarding this pilot program, please contact me directly
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With 18 teams coming from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, the Freescale Cup Qualification event at the University of Zilina attracted lots of attention and has shown a strong progress in performance from the teams. 10 teams have successfully completed the track with the following times (including penalties where applicable): University Team Name Lap Time Slovak University of Technology Bratislava FEI-Minetors 00:13.4 Wroclaw University of Technology The Polish Team 00:15.8 AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow KNE Fideltronik 00:15.8 Slovak University of Technology Bratislava For Seal 00:16.1 University of West Bohemia - Plzen 3G 00:17.5 Technical University of Ostrava Blue Dragon 00:19.2 Technical University of Ostrava The Solar Forces - Expendables 00:20.2 Czech Technical University Jaderka 00:21.3 Wroclaw University of Technology Konarowi jezdzcy 00:22.1 Brno University of Technology AROS 00:27.0 The 4 top teams have qualified for the Freescale Cup EMEA Finals and will join the other top qualified teams on 29-30 April at the Fraunhofer Institute in Erlangen. Here are a few pictures taken during the event.
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Please note that there is a Discord channel now used for support and discussion around NXP-CUP EMEA Technical support Technical support specific to MR-B3RB 2024 Non-Technical support  
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Here is a great deal of information for the teams participating into the Freescale Cup Qualification race hosted by the ENSEEIHT in Toulouse: Date of the race: 28-Jan-2014 Address: ENSEEIHT École Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique, d'Électrotechnique, d'Informatique, d'Hydraulique, et de Télécommunications 2 rue Charles Camichel 31000 Toulouse France Venir à l'INP-ENSEEIHT - Site ENSEEIHT Location of the race at the ENSEEIHT: Rooms C101 and C103. Recommended Campus entrance is on Rue Riquet. Recommended accommodation location: Hotel Kyriad 5 Boulevard de la Gare 31500 Toulouse France Phone +33 5 6134 1171 Hotel Kyriad Toulouse Centre | Hotels Kyriad Agenda 8:30 - 9:30 Registrations 9:30 Opening 10:00 Training period 14:00 Cars at technical inspection 15:00 Qualification race 16:00 Awards and Certificates 16:30 End of the event Contact point at the University Prof. Ana M Llor:
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