Hi all,
We have successfully installed the license file according to the
procedure that was given by Floating license installation guide.
After installing ,My PC acts as a server and the two others that
was connected by LAN are acted as a client by copying the
license file from the server and pasting it in their PCs. It worked
well. But after sometime my system (Server) was formatted due
to some Virus Issues. So we again reinstalled the code warrior
and installed (copied) the license key into the appropriate folder
as done before. But now it shows the following error message
" Error with key ProfessionalEditionMCU 10.3, cannot establish
a connection with a license server " So we got stucked with our
project. We need to resolve immediately. So revert us as soon
as possible.
i would like to suggest you check
i wonder your server side license install should have problem. please check:
1. if you install license to c:\flexm folder.
2. if your server ip address get changed.