I have a Basic Edition Floating Point License for CoodeWarrior but, it is not working. The License is not Detected by CodeWarrior IDE.I have attached the Screenshot of the Errors and the Documents, I have followed to activate the license.
How to fix this?
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To check the ports , Type "netstat -a" in the Command Prompt window, and press "Enter." The computer displays a list of all open TCP and UDP ports.
Look for any port number that displays the word "LISTENING" under the "State" column.
If you need to assign a port to the license file do the following
TCP/IP ports can be specified with a valid number which is any unused port number between 0 and 64000.
SERVER myserver 17007ea8 40000
• host = myserver
• port = 4000
SERVER Simonserver A4BADBE2BC29 27000
VENDOR metrowks port=27001
To check the ports , Type "netstat -a" in the Command Prompt window, and press "Enter." The computer displays a list of all open TCP and UDP ports.
Look for any port number that displays the word "LISTENING" under the "State" column.
If you need to assign a port to the license file do the following
TCP/IP ports can be specified with a valid number which is any unused port number between 0 and 64000.
SERVER myserver 17007ea8 40000
• host = myserver
• port = 4000
SERVER Simonserver A4BADBE2BC29 27000
VENDOR metrowks port=27001
How to create a new Service for NXP license on LMTools
2. Go to Config Service
3. Type the new service name on Service Name box
4. Modify the path for lmrgd.exe , by default located in C:\FSL_FlexLM
5. Add the Path for the license file
6. Create the path where the log file will be saved
7. Save Service
I will recommend to try to create a new service directly on lmtools.exe.
The error seems to be getting the connection to the server, do you have any firewall in the server that might be blocking TCP/IP ports from range 27000-27009 ? make sure these are open, these range is used by default when non is specified in the license.
Also check the server log file to see if there is any response on the server side. I will review your cases entered on NXP.com and check in more detail.
1) Can you Explain me, what do you mean by creating a new service on lmtools.exe???
I tried re-reading and stoping the server for both of them Failed, I have attached the Screenshot of them.
I am not able to open the Log File.It is also Failing.
Ya, I have disabled My windows Firewall.
2)How to check whether TCP/IP ports from range 27000-27009 are Free?
I tried Checking The port was busy with other things by using netstat command from the command prompt.I have attached the Screenshot of it also.
Please answer my above 2 questions and help me fix this problem.