The NTM88 chip comes with any preloaded firmware from the factory, or should the programming be exclusive to me? I would like to purchase the chip and assemble an evaluation board to capture data via RF on another microcontroller, but I wouldn't want to program the NTM88 chip. If programming the NTM88 chip is required, what is necessary and how can I do it?
Hello leoaugustoam,
I hope all is great with you. Thank you for using the NXP communities.
When you receive the device, it is empty. I mean, you need to program the device for your own application.
TPMS products have 16k of shared flash memory. Upper 8k is owned by customer (for application) and lower 8k is owned by NXP (this section contains firmware functions that customers can use in their application. For example, functions to read the sensors, start a RF transmission, decode a LF frame).
TPMS projects are developed with CodeWarrior IDE . The TPMS devices are programmed with the P&E Micro tools. For development, the Universal Multilink can be used. More information at the link below:
Universal Multilink Development Interface | NXP Semiconductors
I hope this information helps.
Thank you very much for your feedback,
Is there any documentation that guides recording this chip with this recorder? Do you also have an example of firmware for reading these parameters and sending them via RF? I would like to carry out a validation with one of these chips to send these parameters via RF.
Hello leoaugustoam,
Thank you for using the NXP community.
The following document might be useful for you as a reference for programming the device (attached).
Installing and using CodeWarrior IDE for TPMS for FXTH87, FXTH87E and NTM88
Please let me know if this information is useful for you.