Dear Sir,
Based on critical condition, I want to know if LM75BD over operating temperature (e.g. 130 degree), what does the LM75BD return?
Does the LM75BD keep the highest temperature (127) or overflow to lead read negative temperature or read failure?
Dear Kyle,
I assume it is 127.875 deg C or 011 1111 1111 (0x3FF), but let me order a LM75BD EVB, do some test and get back to you.
BRs, Tomas
Dear Kyle,
We used heat gun to test the LM75BD EVB, the temperature reading is only up to 127.875 deg C (0x3FF), and temperature reading will be overflow if temperature is over 127.875C, so let’s say if temperature is 130C, then the temperature reading is 2.125C (0x11).
The test result seems to be not realistic, but it is what implementation in the device, however we can’t guarantee LM75B working correctly if temperature is over +125C.
BRs, Tomas