I'm doing a project to stream quaternion data via wireless connection. Avnet's Wi-Go shield comes with FRDM-KL25Z (mod Rev D), but the sensor fusion code was delivered in library binary form in 2013. Is it possible to make that code public and available?
I would if I could. Unfortunately, that embedded project was done by a collegue at Avnet and it would need to come from them. As I recall, I think that implementation was the 6-axis eCompass. That algorithm is available in source form for the KL25Z as part of the Version 5.00 Sensor Fusion library at nxp.com/sensorfusion. But you would need to code up the Wifi interface on the embedded application.
I CAN provide the Android subroutine I wrote to interact with that board if that is helpful. Just let me know.
Thanks Mike, Android routines are definitely helpful, please provide download link.
As I recall, Avnet's Jim mentioned at Wi-Go workshop, no sensor fusion source provided was in purpose. I guess you haven't open sourced the sensor fusion library then.
I will look into V5's 3DOF and FSFK examples for KL25Z.
Actually, we did open source the fusion routines some time after that project was published. So NXP has no objection if Avnet wants to provide the source. I just cannot locate that particular project with the Wifi interface. And that interface would be Avnet's IP, not NXPs.
Mike, I did have Avnet's code (in workshop's Lab 1). Let me ask Jim if Avnet could make sensor fusion code available. Thanks again.