I would like to implement VLPS mode, then wakeup by timer on s32K144. I can set s32k144 to VLPS mode, and wakeup by interrupt-GPIO. But no idea about how to wakeup by timer. Could you share some experiences with me for my purpose?
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It does not.
Enable it by the Clock and LPIT drivers.
For example, in the PE GUI of DS2.2 IDE
BR, Daniel
Hi Daniel,
I use the following API to VLPS. Does the API include "SCG_SIRCCSR[SIRCSTEN = 1, SIRCLPEN = 1" and "LPIT_MCR[DOZE_EN] = 1"?
Hi @jacqueshsu,
As you can see in the RM, Table 7-8. AWIC stop and VLPS wake-up sources, you can use the LPIT timer.
LPIT is functional in VLPS if the function clock of this module is SIRC and LPIT_MCR[DOZE_EN] = 1.
The SIRC clock must be enabled in VLPS (SCG_SIRCCSR[SIRCSTEN = 1, SIRCLPEN = 1).
BR, Daniel
Hi Daniel,
I need this function, too. could you please help me?