hi steve
thanks !
The MCU communication is normal, it can work after power on;
I am unable to replicate this issue. I would suggest downloading the newest Cyclone Installation Software from the PEmicro website following this URL and selecting the link entitled "Cyclone LC and Cyclone FX Programmer Installation Software" under Popular Downloads.
PEmicro | Experts in Embedded tools for Flash Programming and Development
If you are able to provide either a SAP file or your hex file, I would suggest setting up a Support Request through the PEmicro Support Page so that your setup can be better repilcated.
An error 7 means there is a communication issue between the Cyclone FX and your target device? How are you providing power to the target device? Are you securing or locking the device after programming in any way?
If possible, could you provide a screenshot of your Image Creation Manager to show how you are setting up your SAP image?