I am getting adc(bandgap, BD_ADCresult) result as "985" with 12 bits resolution setting in S32k312/5V power.
This result(BD_ADCresult) gives out VREF as 4158mV with the equation below.
It 's based on an "AN13413" document. Is this the right result? or am I missing something?
N = 12 / BD_ADCresult = 985 => VREF = 4158mV(value too high, should be around 1000mV. right?)
Let me share other bit resolution settings and its adc results also.
N = 8, BD_ADCresult = 60
N = 10, BD_ADCresult = 245
N = 12, BD_ADCresult = 985
N = 14, BD_ADCresult = 3940
Any guidance to get a solution for this issue would be appreciated.