Hello, I have a work to write C program in S32K142 MCU.
The develoment platform is S32K design stduio (S32KDS) Ver. 3.5,
I use the S32KDS embedded "Board initial pins" and "Peripheral clock" to generate related hardware configuration.
The original generated configuraion settings will be occured "HardFault_Handler".
I found all the PORTA_CLK ~ PORTE_CLK seem to have no clock.
So, I use the initial pins to config the I/O ports and the MCU will be crash.
The program will be work after I add
code to enable port clock.
The attached files are the pin and clock configs and auto generations by S32KDS platform.
How to fix the auto clock generate issue. Thanks.
Hi, Robin
The S32KDS platform and SDK were changed to V3.4 and V4.0.3 yesterday.
I try to run S32SDK_S32K1xx_RTM_4.0.3 example code (driver/timer/ftm_pwm.
I am very supries it is still ot work. This example code also has HARDFault during step by step debug.
This issue is the same as preious location. Pleasse see the following pictures.
So, it is not related to the versions of SDK_RTM and S32KDS platform.
Could oyu help us to check the sample code.
I am able to debug ftm_pwm_s32k142 project on S32K142EVB without error.
Please show me the part number of your S32K142, for example: PS32K142UAVLLT is the chip on my S32K142EVB.
Maybe we should check whether your chip is different form mine by refer to the "3.2 Ordering information" of S32K1xx MCU Family - Data Sheet.
Hi, Robin
It's a good new.
Here is our used MCU which code is FS32K142HATOMLHT.
Please help us tyo check it, Thanks.
PS32K142UAVLLT U:112MHz LL:100LQFP V: -40C to 105C
FS32K142HATOMLHT H:80MHz LH:64LQFP M: -40C to 125C
I don't know if it is caused by the frequency difference. (Your chip seems don't need to select HSRUN mode. Please select RUN mode.)
Please test attached hello_world_s32k142 project(toggle PTE7\10 and PTD15\16).
I don't know if you have an 8MHz external crystal oscillator, so I chose FIRC.
If you still encounter HardFault, please debug and check whether the clock gate is enabled through CLOCK_SYS_SetPccConfiguration in the CLOCK_DRV_Init function.
Hi, Robin
My S32KDS is Version 3.5.
The same as "desginer1258475" proposed in 2023/1/29 that the "Extensions and Updates" dialog can not find S32K1 SDK4.0.3.
Ths dialog is captured as following:
According to the ReleaseNotes of S32K1 SDK, RTM4.0.1 is developed with S32DS v3.3(not v3.5).
Please install SDK RTM4.0.3 in S32DS v3.4, and tell me the test results?
Dear Robin:
Thanks for your suggerstion,
I re-wrote the main.c code as you suggested, however, it still doesn't work.
This program is also crash, "HARDFault" in PINS_DRV_Init() fucntion.
The developmenmt environment of S32KDS platform is Ver. 3.5 and uses S32K142_SDK_4.01,
I also attached the full test project.
Could you have any suggestion.
Sorry I may not have understood your question.
Did you refer to the example of the S32K1 SDK? The clock gate is initialized in the following function:
/* Configure clocks for PORT */
error = CLOCK_DRV_Init(&clockMan1_InitConfig0);
By the way: Does this problem still exist with S32K1 SDK v4.0.3 in S32DS v3.4?
Best Regards,
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Hi, Robin
Thanks for your reply.
I tihnk this issue is on clock config, but I don't know hot to fix.
I had write a simple test projec and it is just te set 3 GPIO pins
The hardware init function (prvSetupHardware()) is written in main.c and listed as following:
However, a hardware fault will be occured during operation.
This program will be ok, if I active the port enable code (In the Bold font type change #if 0 to #if 1)
This test project is also shown in the attached file.
Could you call me how to fix this clock config issue. Thanks.
static void prvSetupHardware(void)
/* Initialize and configure clocks
* - Setup system clocks, dividers
* - see clock manager component for more details
g_clockManCallbacksArr, CLOCK_MANAGER_CALLBACK_CNT);
#if 0
PCC-> PCCn[PCC_PORTB_INDEX] = PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Enable clock to PORT B */
PCC-> PCCn[PCC_PORTE_INDEX] = PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Enable clock to PORT E */
PINS_DRV_Init(NUM_OF_CONFIGURED_PINS0, g_pin_mux_InitConfigArr0);
/* Initialize LPI2C Master configuration
* - Fast operating mode, 400 KHz SCL frequency
* - See LPI2C components for configuration details
//PINS_DRV_WritePin(ENABLE_V_GPIO, ENABLE_V_PIN, 1); // Enable Power PTE10
//PINS_DRV_WritePin(ENABLE_BL_GPIO, ENABLE_BL_PIN, 1); // Enable Backlit PTE7
Can you use CLOCK_DRV_Init instead of CLOCK_SYS_Init?
Dear Robin,
Could you please provide the S32K1 SDK4.03 executable file(.exe) to Twokey? or attachment in here.
Best Regard,
You may need to update it in S32DS v3.4, please refer to How to connect SDK Version 4.0.3 to S32DS