我现在调试344的SPI 功能, 但是如果我选择CPOL 为高电平的话 ,则每次时钟信号会有一个下降沿的 杂波。 是不是配置问题啊? 还是底层驱动问题?
如上图所示,红色框就是多余的波形。我发送的数据是0XCD, CPHA 1 选择第二个边沿采样。红色的框就是多余的波形 不知道怎么产生的???
it could due to pin init. Try to show PCS0 signal as well, to know if connected device is selected or not.
Try to modify Cs2Clk parameter as well, or others too.
Is a datawidth=1 intended setting. I expect rather 8 to send a byte per single transfer.
BR, Petr
The SPI pin config as following:
I have tried change the cs0 and clk to Pull up mode and change the init value to high, but still not work .