I configured SPI with DMA send 10 bytes to slave on
SW32K3_RTD_4.4_1.0.0_HF02 and S32DS.
I already referred to SPI plugin's example and the following link: https://community.nxp.com/t5/S32K/Example-DMA-SPI-S32K344/td-p/1535843
I already add Platform_InstallIrqHandler() for Dma0_Ch0_IRQHandler
but I am facing to Hard-fault exception at
/* Done shall be cleared before a new transfer is configured. */
HwAccDmaCh_SetCommand((uint32)DMA_IP_CH_CLEAR_DONE, LocHwVers, LocHwInst, LocHwCh);
The following main.c file and configured image captured.
any wrong configuration from myside?
I am seeing a similar problem trying to use Flexio I2C with DMA. I'm seeing a Hard fault at the same line. Per the MC_ME it seems all the relevant the eDMA and TCD clocks are enabled, yet I get a hardfault just after HwAccDmaCh_CmdClearDone returns.
DMA seems to be working fine for ADC, so I'm not sure if I misconfigured something through S32DS for Flexio I2C + DMA. (Note that I am also not using the higher-level AutoSAR drivers; IP driver modules only)