Check CAN Transceiver Connections: Ensure that the CAN transceiver is properly connected to the S32K344 microcontroller. Verify that the CAN_H and CAN_L lines are connected correctly and that the transceiver is powered appropriately.
Verify CAN Controller Configuration: Double-check the configuration of the S32K344 CAN controller registers. Ensure that the baud rate, timing parameters, and other settings are correctly set according to your CAN network requirements.
Check Error Flags: Monitor the CAN error flags to determine if there are any issues detected by the CAN controller. Common error flags include bit stuffing errors, CRC errors, form errors, and ACK errors. Clear any error flags and observe if they reappear during message transmission.
Please look into the code and give me specific solution. You are giving me generic debugging method
Hello @longfeiwang,
Could you please share the project so that I can test it?
PTA6 is a CAN0_RX pin.
Have you read the corresponding MSCRn registers of the TX, RX pins after the initialization?
Were the correct source signal selected in the registers?
Thank you,
BR, Daniel
Hello @longfeiwang,
I'm sorry for the delay,
You haven't changed the FlexCAN mode:
Please have a look at the description of the FlexCAN modes in the S32K3xx RM:
Hello @danielmartynek ,
I am also using same controller s32k344 following is the example that I am attaching. I was getting the same issue as @longfeiwang ,so like you said I disabled the loopback.
But now it is not transmitting and not entering CanIf_TxConfirmation function which confirms Transmission is done.
Please resolve the issue as soon as possible
But I gave you this already within a Case you created.
BR, Petr
Hello @danielmartynek ,
As my issue is same please resolve the issue here.
Please do it as soon as possible.