i have attached my linker and startup code.
Need help with this
1. We want to use only core 0 and need to disable core 1.
2. Our Data (31K) + BSS (56K) section exceeds 87KB. Can you provide a linker file, startup.c, startup.s, and system.c to accommodate this, with MPU enabled in the system.c file , please include the initialization sequence for data and BSS in startup.s and startup.c. Note that we don't intend to use core 1, and we can exclude memory allocation for core 1."
Also, I have attached the latest linker file that accommodates our data and BSS sections. However, with this linker, I had to disable the MPU, and the code will work randomly. Sometimes it functions correctly, but other times it leads to a hard fault.
We don’t have example code for this specific configuration, but I can offer example code for using DTCM/ITCM memories in the project:
Modification has been done in following files:
- main.c
- startup_cm7.s
- linker_flash_s32k344.ld
Then modifying of linker command file in order to put .bss section to DTCM should not be difficult.
Hope it helps
Exception Details: UsageFault - The processor attempted to execute an undefined instruction. HardFault - A fault has been escalated to a hard fault.
Attached debugger output latest linker and startup files for both cores.