I am trying to run "blinking_LED" demo app in S32DS SDK. I have imported the project in IAR Embedded Workbench IDE. when I try to build all I get error about missing symbols that i see are defined in linker file.
I see these symbols are already defined startup code file "startup_S32K144.s". This file is compiled successfully still it issues in linker. can anyone please check what is it that I am missing.
Quick help in this would be highly appreciated.
Muhammad Imran Afzal
Can you check what device is configured in Project Options/General Options/Target?
Best regards,
device configured in this project is "NXP S32K144".
Pls check project option ->Linker->Config:
Thanks :smileyhappy:
Seems like its working on simulator. But it is not working on board.
I am using S32K144 board and debugger is P&E FX.
You should change the IAR's default linker file to S32K144_64_flash.icf or S32K144_64_ram.icf.
Hi ,
Thanks for the reply. I have already tried with this change. But no success.
Pls check the linker file whether it includes the following descriptions.
define exported symbol __VECTOR_TABLE = m_interrupts_start;
define exported symbol __VECTOR_RAM = isdefinedsymbol(__flash_vector_table__) ? m_interrupts_start : m_interrupts_ram_start;
define exported symbol __RAM_VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE = __ram_vector_table_size__;
Hi ,
Yes it does include these symbol. That's why I am surprised why it still giving issue.