LPUART_DRV_Init(INST_LPUART2, &lpuart2_State, &lpuart2_InitConfig0);//Initial UART2
but when the upper computer send the data to S32K144 ,the s32k144 could not enter into LPUART_DRV_IRQHandler?
You must use the LPUART_DRV_ReceiveData(uint32_t instance,uint8_t * rxBuff,uint32_t rxSize)and the IRQ can ener into.
If you want to define receive interrupt routine you can install callback function like below: LPUART_DRV_InstallRxCallback(INST_LPUART2, MyRxCallbackFunction, NULL)
void MyRxCallbackFunction(void *driverState, uart_event_t event, void *userData)
//your code
After that MyRxCallbackFunction will be called on each rx event.
I hope it helps you.
Best regards,