I am trying to implement LIN slave in S32K144 where it should support normal unconditional frames as well as Diagnostics with Class 2/3. (basically SID $10,$22,$2E are my minimum requirements).
Upon selecting the configuration in S32DS CT I have a bunch of files generated but i am finding it hard to understand the code structure.I have selected the LIN mode as slave & class 3. Additionally, i have selected "Support Diagnostics" & also selected the $2E service support.
When i browse the generated files & SDK, i see that there are some functions that are only applicable for a LIN Master.
It would be great if anyone can help me with some pointers on how to understand the generated files (may be some documentation?) & the callbacks which can be used to achieve the results.
Thanks in advance!
I am using the S32K144_SDK v4.0.1 with S32Ds v3.5.
Hello @Punit_01,
Regarding UDS, you can refer to this example.
Even though it was built with in S32DS 2.2. with older SDK (Processor Expert), it should be very similar.
I believe the file structure is explained in the User Manual of the LIN Stack.
It is in the installation directory of the Stack.
Or it can be open from the CT (right-click on the lin stack component and select Documentation).